Thursday, February 24, 2011

home james!

I wonder if other states have this service: cab rides for those on medical assistance. Everyday in our ER there is literally a line up of people under age 30 calling to get a cab ride home from the hospital. Now mind you these are not disabled people. These are able bodied young adults who are eligible for MA.

They get on the phone and wait for 15 or 20 minutes for someone to come on the line. Usually we have to verify that they were really there. Then they sit there and wait for the cab. I am amazed at the time people will spend setting this up. They could have walked home before it was all complete.

If you are a working person who makes too much for medical assistance, sorry you are going to have to take a bus, get a ride or walk. You are chopped liver. I was telling a co worker that we should open a medical limousine service for those on medical assistance. All we would do is transport those on medicaid around in style. No doubt we could get a big fat contract with the state..

Perhaps the government could stop this kind of stuff to reduce the deficit. What a country.


  1. That's brutal. Where I live, if you're on social assistance you can get a cab ride TO the hospital, to cut down on unnecessary ambulances. The way home though, well, not so easy...

  2. Here is a huge way your state could save some Medicaid money. Can the free cab vouchers. We don't have them (although in another state I practised in did) and I am sure it saves $$.

  3. Hello! New to your blog and quite enjoying it. There has only been one time that I have needed a cab voucher and that was after emergency surgery. I am so glad the hospital provided that! Hate to see it abused, though.
