Saturday, February 19, 2011

integrity thy name is madness

Well imagine my surprise last week when I was called into work for a "meeting". Naturally I thought: uh-oh I am finally going to get fired for my attitude. So I arrived at my managers office and he took me to a small conference room in our department. I thought, geez, do they need a committee to fire me? Why do we need more space? I opened the door and a flashbulb went off and there stood the CEO with a big smile on her face. She was holding a trophy. What's this? I am being awarded a trophy for character and integrity?!! Yup its true, me, old madness was finally, after all these years, getting the recognition for the impeccable way I have tried to conduct myself for years. There were many times I could have done the wrong thing - I had many moral choices to make in my career - and damn it if I didn't always choose the path of integrity. As you can see I was stunned with this development and maybe a little suspicious. It is so nice to be recognized after all these years. I especially like the little tiara they provided.


  1. Yes, but management still sucks, right?

  2. that goes without saying

  3. Ok, just checking.

  4. Yes, I am definitely jealous of the tiara.
