Friday, April 22, 2011


Hi boys and girls. Here is a story for you. It is a puzzle. It tests your knowledge of medical acronyms. I bet your can't get them all.

I was in the middle of a SSDD shift. Enroute was a LOLLOL who FDGB and apparently was CTD, FTD. She had TMB. She was CODE 3 to our ER. Well of course when she got there she was FOS and FTD, time to MFC. I ran to get the RSI kit when the doctor said she was a DNR. End of story. Literally.


  1. SSDD= Same shit, different day

    LOLLOL=I usually say LOLOL, but variation of "little old lady [lying] on linoleum".
    FDGB= Fall down go boom

    I don't know the rest off the top of my head other than, obviously, FOS = full of shit.

    Why are you getting a RAPID SEQUENCE INTUBATION (RSI) kit when a patient is Do Not Resuscitate?

  2. CTD = circling the drain
    FTD - fixin' to die
    TMB = too many birthdays
    MFC = measure for coffin

  3. MFC similar to "CAB stat!"

    CAB = Coffin at bedside.

  4. PTBST
    Pass the butter, she's toast.
