Tuesday, June 07, 2011

cuckoo cuckoo

After years of experience, hundreds of hours of patient care, I have arrived at a personal philosophy of ER medicine that works for me: YOU ARE NUTS UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISEYou know, to crystallize this phrase and philosophy in my mind gives me a sense of inner peace. I can relax. There will be no more surprises as I enter a patient's room. I will already know they are nuts, so nothing they do or say will surprise me. I can say to myself - you're doing that because you're nuts! I may even start to develop more empathy for people. Hey they can't help it - they are nuts...What is genius about this is that when they aren't nuts, I will be pleasantly surprised! Wow....you really are a normal person....how unique. That knowledge will put a spring in my step, a song in my heart....it will restore my faith in humanity people I tell you. I'm so relieved...


  1. It is kind of obvious most patients are cuckoo if they are walking into the ER on their own feet. By your standards of what an emergency is , walking in defines most patients as crazy.

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Unfortunately that's true! Lol... Very well put! I love your blog.

  3. i will try this...hilarious
    im sure it helps to make the day go faster.
