Friday, July 22, 2011

florence nightingale had fibromyalgia

So I'm sitting on the couch, perusing etsy (handmade jewelry site), and I come across a "fibromyalgia awareness bracelet". Okay then. The person who made this apparently got fibromyalgia after a car accident and hasn't been able to work since.

Well this all peaked my interest and I looked up fibromyalgia awareness jewelry. Turns out quite a few people sell it. There is an organization called cure4fibromyalgia that sells all kinds of fibromyalgia merchandise. They call themselves fibro fighters. Apparently the color purple has been adopted as the color for fibromyalgia awareness. There are hats, tshirts, jewelry, mouse pads, stickers for your car, etc. They have purple ribbons for you to wear.

This is an interesting site. Among the things listed are "celebrities with fibromyalgia". According to them Florence Nightengale suffered from "fibromyalgia-like symptoms". Shit we are all doomed.

I might have to become a fibromyalgeur with all the fun shirts, hats, jewelry I like the color purple. I hear there are plans for a fibromyalgia telethon. Who could be the host? Maybe the Whiners from saturday night live....see below


  1. But Florence was definitely not a whiner. She was not on disability either.

  2. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Very entertaining! Thx

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM


  4. I Love florence nightingale

  5. Anonymous1:24 PM

    etsy is much more than just jewelry - art, crafts, vintage collectables, supplies....and so nice to buy from people vs. the big box store

  6. Anonymous5:33 PM


  7. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Some people actually DO struggle with it. I find it pathetic that someone in a helping profession would write it off. I struggle from fibro but I am NOT on disability, I treat it like any other challenge and move on with my life and I am not on any type of regular medication.

  8. Anonymous3:07 AM

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  9. Anonymous11:07 PM

    You're a disgrace. :) Not everyone who suffers does so for attention, like you. I'm sorry for you.

  10. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Wow, you really should NOT be a nurse....a little burned out or did it for the money? It's interesting that you feel this mother suffers through hers working and carrying on with life, refusing pain medications. I understand that in your profession you may see a lot of drug seekers saying they are sufferers, but it is sad that you as a health "care" professional don't realize that of course there are those who use it's lack of an obvious (mri/xray etc) detection as a way to abuse drugs or disability...while those who truly suffer do not get what they need because of people like you. Your lack of concern for people's livelihood NURSE, is appalling.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    You are a disgrace to the healthcare community, please do us all a favor and rip up your license and go into a cave where your ignorant unintelligent , selfish, close minded, hateful presence can not be hurtful to other people. I feel terribly sorry for your patients!!!! I sit here in horror thinking that there is anyone like you with peoples lives in your hands. YOU ARE DISGUSTING!!!!

  12. Anonymous8:39 PM

    You are a JERK! You are ignorant and rude, it's to bad you're a nurse. Maybe they call you nurse Ratchett.

  13. Anonymous2:20 AM

    who the hell do you think you are bitch fibro is real and i hope you burn in hell

  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Trippy, trappy TROLL! I bet you just love being a nurse, you're one of the very few who just adores ignoring people in pain and dismissing, denying their pleas for help. You are not worth bothering about.

    I will never again read your poorly written blog (with stolen video content!) or give you so much as a thought.

    As for everyone suffering the absolute hell that is Fibromyalgia, you will get better, don't let trolls like this work you up, just concentrate on being kind to yourself and healing.

    Just leave such trolls to their sad pathetic, lonely, friendless lives. I bet it's actually some old guy sitting in his week old underwear and vest in front of his ancient computer, not a nurse. Hilarious! What a horrible head to have to live in, if you weren't so nasty about seriously ill people I'd pity you, but you're not worth it.

  15. Anonymous8:11 AM

    If you do your *research* you will see Florence Nightengale *was* bedridden most of her life after serving on the front lines. Someone being disabled from Fibro does not make them a 'whiner' anymore then another disabled person. Fibro runs the gambit from manageable to totally and completely disabling. As a 20 year vet, I have been on both ends and am insulted at the ignorance that still exists about this condition. It can be very disabling and I make *no* apologies. My poor husband who is working 3 and 4 jobs AND tending to household chores such as laundry and cooking would take a persons head off who tried to call me a whiner or lazy because he sees first hand how cruel this illness really is. For those that label and judge, don't worry, Karma is a nice, fair lady.

  16. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Do not feed the trolls. They are sad and pathetic cowards with NO life.

  17. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Fibro-schmibro. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and it causes severe pain AND actually destroys one's body. I still work and don't complain, as I do not want attention or sympathy. People with Fibro make me sick- people with real diseases have trouble qualifying for disability, and now Social Security and the VA are paying people for.a disease that is entirely self-report. Warriors or whiners?
