Wednesday, July 20, 2011

grandpa dump

You know what I hate? Well lemme tell y'all. I hate families who bring grandma in from her nursing home because they are not happy with her "treatment" there. The staff is not as attentive to grandma as you think they should be. So you decided todays the day you need to hall grandma outtathere and where else you gonna go (cause you're an idiot) but the local ER? Bring her on down to ERville.

This is in the same category of "grandpa just can't take care of himself anymore" and we have to do something, right now, this minute, so who ya gona call? Sure ain't ghostbusters. Bring him on down to ERville.

Of course the prize winning category is the its Christmas day and I haven't seen
old aunt jenny for 6 months (I know how busy you are) and she don't look so good and surely cannot stay in her apartment any longer. Bring her on down to ERville.

Advice: Please do not bring grandma, grandma, aunt jenny to the ER. Take them to your house. Call thier doctor. Arrange for nursing home placement. Use some damn common sense.


  1. There are true grandpa dumps, usually at 5pm on a Friday so the family can go drink or go on vacation or something, but I at least respect those who have tried and are at their wit's end with grandpa falling, wandering off, pooing and peeing on stuff, etc. A lot of "can't take care of dad anymore"-type complaints are triggered by a specific event, like the 4th fall this month or confusion that morphs into agitation...

  2. Ah...the old "Gramma just ain't acting right."

  3. "I hate families who bring grandma in from her nursing home because they are not happy with her "treatment" there. The staff is not as attentive to grandma as you think they should be."

    From an STNA studying to be an RN: You know, I would love to spend more time one-on-one with your Grandma, because personally I think she's pretty cool, but I and my partner have 15 other people that I have to feed, toilet, change, dress, bath and get into bed by 11:00. If you want to move her to a different nursing home, be my guest, but I can bet the care will be the same or worse!
