Monday, July 25, 2011

highway robbery

This blog entry is all about me personally, 'cause after all, in the end, its all about me..

May I say that I am beginning to feel the pain about medical insurance. I carry the insurance for my family. I know for a fact that it will go up to at least $470 a month next year. I think thats a lot of money. Right now its about $400.

It really is infuriating that it is so expensive. I know there are people that pay a lot more than I do. They pay for the whole premium, they have no insurance at all. I just think that when people like me with a decent income, start feeling the pain about insurance costs, its a sign. A sign that medical costs truly are out of control in this country.

It can cost less, it does in other countries. Here's a graphic of health care costs in different countries.


  1. If insurance cost lass then the executives would have to deal with less riches, smaller mansions and fewer golf club memberships.

    Ask anyone in DC right now, they will not have their standard of living lowered one millimeter in the name of the rest of humanity.

  2. Not to horn in on this post about YOU, but let's talk about ME for a minute. Just kidding.

    I do want to let you know how much worse it can be, in a vain attempt to make you feel better. BCBS raised my monthly premium to $1513 before successfully pushing me into the ranks of the uninsured. It is only thanks to the Affordable Care Act that I was able to insure myself again -- through the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP). It is not charity, not welfare, but it costs me a more reasonable $400/month (with a pretty high deductible).

    I wish there were a way to bitchslap the CEO, the manager, the bureaucrat who decided that someone living on 60% of their public school teacher's salary could afford to pay $1513 a month -- at a time when said teacher was also actively ill and disabled.

    A bitchslap might not be enough...

    Best of luck to you. Keep your eyes on those insurance rates... I can remember the first few hikes (at right around what you are paying now). It seemed almost reasonable in the beginning!

  3. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Well, I live in Switzerland and it doesn't feel less expensive to me... My husband and I pay a monthly total of 950 CHF (1,182.06 USD) for the insurance for just the two of us.

    On the other hand, after the first 300 CHF per person on medical bills (resets every year), everything else is reimbursed and there is no exclusion for pre-existing conditions. So while the monthly recurent is expensive, once that is budgeted for we don't have to live in fear of what the bills would be if my husband had a second stroke.

  4. Holy cow.

    I live in Canada, working as an RN.

    My benefits are totally paid for, no cost to me. No co-pay, no premiums. This also covers my family and any previous existing illnesses. Oh, and it also covers medical expenses travelling to another country.

    For $150 per year extra I get travel insurance which not only includes any "extras" if medical expenses are incurred but also if baggage is lost, or I miss my flight.

    Probably just as well that I let my WA state license go...esp since our dollar is worth more....
