Friday, July 08, 2011

weird mamas boy

Now I know some of you guys out there are really close to your mothers. You have a special relationship, but let me give some advice to men with STD symptoms: don't bring your mother with you. If you bring your mother with you, don't bring her into the room with you. The ER staff will think you are a STRANGE person if you are over the age of lets say 16 and bring mommy in when things are going drip, drip, drip....If you are old enough to do the dirty then you are old enough to handle your idiocy on your own. And oh by the way, at the end of the visit when I am giving you instructions tell your mother to shut the F--- up when she asks how long do YOU have to wait to have intercourse?!! I will tell her and YOU that this is an inappropriate question for HER to about you wait and mom have BOUNDARY problems my boy and I don't want you to bring anybody else into the world til you resolve them...


  1. Yikes. Was it possible to give them a psychologist’s number with discharge papers? : )

  2. *blink* There is such a thing as being too close. Yikes!

  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I had recurring ovarian cysts starting when I was a teen. I was away at a college prep academy, and the school clinic physician wanted to do a pelvic.

    I wasn't comfortable with a male doctor doing that--I had been molested by a pediatrician when I was little, and this guy was giving off a really creepy vibe.

    He tried to reassure me by telling me that he did his daughters' pelvic exams... (which explained a lot, poor, poor girls)
