Friday, August 12, 2011

sorry...i'm on my break

SSDD (same shit different day). We are bursting at the seams, patient has been here for 8 fricking hours. Bed is still not ready. IT IS DIRTY and housekeeping hasn't been there to clean it.

Call to supervisor to look into it and as usual, probably do absolutely nothing. Supervisor calls back and says the reason the bed has not been cleaned is that ALL OF THE HOUSEKEEPING STAFF IS ON DINNER BREAK. Apparently they ALL go to dinner at the same time. Well that makes sense. Lets have nobody available at all during one of the busiest times of the day.

Hey I think the nursing staff should try that. Every nurse in the hospital goes on break at the same time. Sorry, no one can help you, we are all on break...


  1. That's right! I a sick of eating my dinner (when I get it) all by myself. Let's see what happens!

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    our hospital too! patient's family member also told us that the entire evening housekeeping crew "runs the clock" for the last hour of their shift in our family lounge....apparently only one in the hospital unseen by security cameras! yea, and we really needed that million dollar bedboard system to "enhance throughput". still can't do it if the rooms are dirty!

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    um, yeah, when I worked on the floor if housekeeping wasn't there in 10 mins, I would clean the room I'm in the ER...yeah if its not clean in 45...guess what? your getting a visit from me. I will clean the room myself along with a complaint...there is NO excuse for a pt being there for 8 hrs. period.
