Monday, October 17, 2011

oh what a tangled web we know the rest.

You had me fooled and I have been around a while. There you were about 10 feet from the triage desk, on the ground having a seizure. I went out there while my co-worker got a cart. So your "seizure" (do you see where this is going?) lasted maybe a minute.

I mean you were on your side, rigid, moving, making the appropriate airway gurgle type noises. Here's the thing: if you are gonna do the seizure thing you have to work on your postictal period. You woke right up and were even able to stand and get on to the cart. Here's a clue: when someone has a seizure they are out of it afterwards...

So yeah you were full of shit. You added drama to an already bad day. You took up a bed that one of the 20 people waiting in the lobby could have had. But hey, you had me convinced, cynical old madness bought your act for a minute. Congratulations.


  1. You forgot to tell them how many times a good seizure also means that they lost bowel/bladder control as well.

  2. I enjoy reading your blog because I myself worked in an ER for about a year and a half. I've seen a lot of people who try to fake seizures, usually they shut up when ask them where their medical ID tag is stating they have epilepsy and then point to the one around my neck.

    However, I really hope I don't have you as a nurse when I am having a seizure. I'm epileptic and my postictal periods are usually very short (seconds). They are only long (minutes) if I am very, very sick and threw up my medications, then seized. I've also never lost bladder/bowel control in any of the 13 years I've had epilepsy.

    Not to say that the person wasn't faking it, since they probably were, but some of us really do act like that during a seizure.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I guess we should both be happy we will never meet each other huh?

  5. Right. People with pseduoseizures cannot fake the post ictal period well. I see it all the time.
