Saturday, December 03, 2011

have a politically correct holiday season*

Fa la la la la lalalalalalala. It's that magical time of year when people frolic through the streets on their way to buy presents...even the hospital and the ER get festive when corporate puts up the generic holiday season display. It is the same throughout the hospital. Brown and gold. Regulation decorations. Politically correct decorations. Don't want to offend any non-Christmas celebratin' folk.

There will be NO traditional holiday colors. There will be NO individual department holiday decorations. EVERYONE will tow the corporate holiday season political line and smile while they are doing it OR ELSE.

Here's an example of the official approved holiday decoration: All lights will be white. NO EXCEPTIONS. Santa will not be making an appearance. There will be no carollers singing "inappropriate songs" espousing a particular religious view point. Any clothing displaying festive holiday decor are banned, along with pins, earrings, necklaces. Every area will be assigned a holiday watch person to catch any infractions of the official corporate holiday policy.

Oh yeah! I love the holidays. Time to throw in my guess for how many bulbs will be left on the "holiday" tree in the waiting room at the end of this holiday season. I understand there is a great prize for the correct guess this year....

*look closely at the picture to see what santa and mrs claus are looking at outside their window


  1. Brown and gold are pretty lame. Earth tones just do not shout "holiday season" to me.

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Yeah, that's carried away. However, I don't see the big deal in the hospital saying "Happy Holidays" and then having a little bit of everything displayed - like a tree and a menorah, etc. But really, instead of religion icons, we should display what people really care about - expensive electronics and other gifts. All hail the Iphone!

  3. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Brown & gold? BROWN??? Are they trying to keep people sick? Those are bathroom colours. (ew)

    They might as well use green (mucus) and red ( .. hmm, what could be red) ... why not? They're hospital colours.

    *dry heaves*
