Thursday, March 08, 2012

a full fledged shit storm

Take a full moon and put it in a pot. Add a few solar flares from the sun that somehow messes with geomagnetic shit. Add a 58 degree day yesterday that melted the snow. Stir in this mornings temperature of below 30 degrees which took those puddles and turned them into ice. Now add just enough snow this morning to cover those icy spots.

What do you get? I SAID WHAT DO YOU GET?!! A shit storm, thats what you get.

My first three patients shortly after arriving at 9 am were 2 psychotics and a drunk. That should have told me all was not well in the world. Then at 10 am the shit hit the fan. Throngs of people (yeah I said throngs) started appearing at the triage window with various pains from falling on the ice. This continued through the day.

Now these people were not your usual "I fell on my tookus and now I got an owie". Many of these people had broken bones. The day was a nightmare that didn't quit. It was one of those days when you said, this is insanity, what am I doing here?


  1. OMG! The gravity was turned on everywhere yesterday - even in the warm climates. Bilateral femur fractures, broken hips galore, and a plethora of wrists bent at jaunty angles, 3 Baker Acts (one with a broken ankle no less) ahhhhhhhhh!

  2. I have great sympathy with the broken bone crowd. Had never broken a bone in 40+ years and then I recently fell and suffered trimalleolar fractures and a spiral tibia fracture. Have recovered from the surgery and am now trying to learn to walk again. :P

  3. Yeah, what the hell? The brooms can stand up by themselves but the patients.....

  4. I have great sympathy with the broken bone crowd. Had never broken a bone in 40+ years and then I recently fell and suffered trimalleolar fractures and a spiral tibia fracture. Have recovered from the surgery and am now trying to learn to walk again. :P
