Thursday, March 22, 2012

larry, moe and curly visit the ER (a typical Friday morning)

Hey I'm sorry if your life is shit, but that doesn't give you the right to become so enraged that you tear the reciever off the wall phone and throw it across the room hitting the wall. The wrath of madness will be upon you. You endangered us and we don't like that.

Hey I'm sorry you are a pathetic drug addict who told us you are suicidal. That doesn't give you the right to make a run for it. You are fast, but we are faster. It is our security's pleasure to tackle you out in triage. They live for that shit.

Hey, I am sorry that your life has gone badly, but that doesn't give you the right to light up a cigarette in the patient bathroom. That does not endear you to the staff or the other patients. The tenor of your visit has now changed. Not in a good direction.

How was your Friday?


  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    A lady called our triage nurse an F-ing racist derogatory word and threw a phone book at her because she asked her to have a seat in waiting area while she finished with the patient she already had in the chair and she did not have a life-threatening complaint.

  2. Employee picnic this summer will include the always popular "Hard Object Dodge while Remaining Seated" and "Who can be More Ugly than The Next when Requested to Be Reasonable" games of chance. Yes, Chance. There's a chance you may get hurt....

    I hate Assholes whether they are bleeding or not.

    More so when they are not.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous8:13 AM

    That's why I like working in corrections...."Did you say you wanted to hurt yourself? are some officers TO STRIP YOU NAKED AND PUT YOU IN A COLD, EMPTY ROOM....on camera!" We are very therapeutic in prison! Or if they act like a dick and want to throw something we have a nice 5 pt restraint chair...

  5. an unforgettable series the best I've seen

  6. I'm sorry that your career is shit and that you've become so jaded that your family can't even deal anymore. I'm sorry that you have exudes souch negative energy for so long that it is now coming back to you, like it always does and that you don't like how it feels. Your patients, coworkers and family didn't like it either. Bit it doesn't give you the right to belittle, judge, and degrade people whose suffering you do not understand!! Respect is a two way street and you seem to demand an awful lot of it when you give absolutely none.
