Thursday, June 28, 2012

the health care system is doomed

Is the affordable care act (obamacare) going to solve our healthcare systems problems? Of course not. It may exacerbate them.

I'm glad the supreme court ruled in favor of the individual mandate. I think obamacare is a good thing. At the very least, it recognizes that we have a problem. At worst, it makes the insurance companies richer.

Thirty million people have no health insurance in the country. Will they now get health insurance? I don't know. I don't get how it will work. If they do get the insurance, an already overwhelmed health care system will be more overwhelmed.

As is usual in this country, nobody cares about something like health care until it affects them personally. Most people don't see a doctor that much, don't come into the hospital. They don't realize what bad shape it is in. They don't really care. But here's the thing: It will affect them soon. Their insurance premiums are going to skyrocket. I don't think obamacare will stop that.

What they don't realize is that grandma and grandpa are living longer and longer, many into their 80's and 90's. And of course, grandma and grandpa, as is uusual in the US, have not made any decisions about end of life care. So they will have all the expensive technology thrown at them and they will bankrupt the system eventually. Add these 30 million new entrants into the system and you have a recipe for disaster.

There will be drastic changes in our system in the coming years. Changes, no one is going to like. You won't be able to run to the doctor or the ER for your sniffles. Grandma and grandpa won't get those expensive procedures after a certain age. You will pay more if you are fat, smoke. Its going to create a lot of upheaval and anger. Nonetheless, it is inevitable.


  1. Public universal health care has no interest in protecting your privacy. They want their tax money and, to fight for your rights, you will have to prove that you meet the requirements to not be taxable.

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Public universal health care has no interest in protecting your privacy. They want their tax money and, to fight for your rights, you will have to prove that you meet the requirements to not be taxable.
