Wednesday, June 06, 2012

nursing by the numbers

Nursing by the Numbers.

Image provided by Nursing


  1. Wow,nice poster. The whole saving lives thing was incredible but the PTSD makes me wonder if all I did was worth it,unfortunately. But then again I picked an incredibly hard place to work,a regional Burn Center. I think it's better that a lot of the burn centers are incorporated into the trauma centers now so the nurses get some variety and a break,of sorts,from the Burn pts.

  2. This is so cool! Thank you so much for sharing!:)

  3. Thank you to all nurses. When i am reading your site, I keep in mind that yhis is an outlet for you so instead of taking offense at a post that may not be true for me, i understand that you are dealing with a lot of abuse of the system and have a right to vent, especially on your own site :)
