Monday, July 23, 2012

you so trashy

I can't stand it. I am about to lose the little mind that I have left. The hospital is going to drive me completely crazy. Why? The waste disposal system has become a frickin' nightmare. There are seven different ways you can dispose of trash. Seven different containers. You are expected to remember which container everything goes in.

We're talking putting IV bags in zip lock bags and throwing them in black containers. Is your chux fully saturated or partially saturated with blood, it makes a difference where it goes. Putting drugs down sewers. Syringes with needles with part of the drug still there goes into something called the dual sharp container. There are 15 drugs that are hazardous and by penalty of death need to go into the black can.

I think the waste containers are having babies. Every year there seem to be more of them. Pretty soon they are going to take over the hospital.

Me, I think we need a trash coordinator. You set up a room where they sit. You present them with your trash and they put it in the proper receptacle.

I propose this person also be a part time commode locator. Apparently, per those rocket scientists at JCAHO, commodes can no long be kept in the soiled utility room. Why not? Commodes are considered "clean" so they can't be kept in a "dirty" environment. now we have to find different places to put them around the department.

This, my friends, is the modern healthcare system. We spend more time locating trash cans and commodes then we do taking care of patients.


  1. I know! We have a new medication disposal system. There's a big black bin, a small back bin, a big blue one, a small red one, a big red one, a yellow one, and two categories that have to go back to pharmacy!! It's insane!

  2. I can't believe how lucky we are! Sharps containers for the needles and everything else goes in the regular garbage in the rooms. That's it. I can't imagine ever having to take the time to sort it all. Oh, and our commodes are still in the dirty utility room. Guess JCAHO hasn't caught up with us yet :)

  3. Anonymous12:28 AM

    I hope you do realize that in order to keep our water, the creatures that live in the water (many in which we ingest), our communities, and our animals safe, we need to PROPERLY discard of all wastes. Where do you think these drugs and other materials end up if it's just tossed in any old garbage bin? just like the human body, our earth can't be a dump land for all kinds of extremely toxic material. It isn't a waste of time to do this you need to research why this is done and you'll be enlightened as to all the horrible shit that is put into our water. You'll see how our fish are contaminated with drugs and that there are animals filled of plastic... Go call a woman named Kay from SCARCE in Glen Ellyn, IL or look her up at least she knows more about this and started one of the different kinds of bin collections for drugs BECAUSE OF the way they were originally being disposed of.

  4. OMG are your kiddin' me! go away

  5. darchole3:47 PM

    I don't even work in a medical field and I want a trash coordinator!

  6. Re: The blue trashcan...


  7. I think anonymous 12:28am should be your trash coordinator. I understand we need to be careful in how we dispose of waste but it is rediculous to have 7 plus containers for nurses to worry if they have properly disposed item that needs disposed. Keep it simple or hire a trash sorter.

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  9. This must be so confusing. If people just spent an extra couple of minutes to throw things away properly or clean up better, cleaning up in hospitals would be so much easier.
