Wednesday, October 24, 2012

the stupidity never ends...

Here's something I've never heard of. Giving an IV piggyback of caffeine for possible withdrawal from caffeine that can give you a headache...

This is unbelieveable.  I am perfectly aware that caffeine can be part of medication that is used for migraines.  Nothing wrong with that.  But using it because you don't want to have a headache from not having your daily coffee or pop t, seems ludicrious to me.  I mean is this what this country has come to? 

Your poor little puddy tat, let me get your caffeine fix for you....I don't want you to suffer.  Oh my no.  Having any kind of discomfort whatsoever is completely unacceptable in this riduculous country of ours.  I'm a daily jelly donut user, can I get a jelly donut infusion?  How about chocolate?


  1. Wouldn't it be quicker, easier, and cheaper, to hand them $1, and point them to the vending machine?

    It's an ER. For caffine withdrawal, I recommend Starbucks.

  2. ... IV caffeine? That's almost enough to make me consider moving to the US.

  3. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Yay, another "pop" drinker. So tired of the soda snobs! :-)
