Monday, July 01, 2013

Larry the LOUD vomiter

OK I've got a question for y'all:  Why is it that some people have to be such frickin' loud vomiters?  I mean really, do you have to put on a performance when you vomit?  A performance everybody has to share in?

In triage, occasionally there is someone who is so damn loud that I can't even hear the person I'm trying to triage in the other bay.  These people don't just vomit, they VOMIIIITTTTT.  I always think they are going to rupture their esophagus.

They are annoying more than anything.  They are the kind of people you want to tell STFU!  Get over yourself.  You aren't the first person to nauseated.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Nobody suffers in silence anymore...

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Let's not forget the performance farters and belchers. Some people are just gross and seem to enjoy it.

  3. It's the cyclic vomiters and the gastroparesisers that are the worst! I think they took a class, thought it was a talent, and then claimed the diagnosis!

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    This made me cringe. I'm a nurse and a loud "vomiter"and very embarrassed by it. Not for attention, I've tried to do it quietly....sorry, I will work on toning it as not to upset you if you happen to be nearby :)

  5. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I have gastroparesis and really can't help noise I make while vomiting. I projectile vomit and its extremely painful. My entire abdomen goes into spasm and cramps.
    I imagine some people try to get sympathy or think they'll be taken care of quicker if they're loud. But really, I can't help it. *burrrrrp*
