Tuesday, August 20, 2013

put some damn clothes on

There seems to be a rash of drunks running around with no clothes on. They end up in the ER.  I mean, seriously?  If you are that much of a drunk chances are you ain't go that good of a bod.  No one wants to see that thing. Put some damn clothes on.


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Hahahaha, the way you so bluntly speak the truth cracks me up!
    I love your blog! I just found it a few weeks ago.
    I'm hoping to be an ER nurse in a few years (should be starting college in 2-3 years... I'm finishing high-school now).
    Any advice for an up-and-coming nurse?
    I've already conquered the gag reflex. I can deal with poop/puke/blood/guts anything.


  2. Never put a drunk in a snap up gown. If they stumble during their gait test and you go to catch them chances are that you will tear said gown off of drunk patient like a pair of stripper pants.

    Then you'll have a naked drunk still.


    Advice Meredith? Well Crusty ER Tech says volunteer at a local large trauma center to see what it's really like. Study your sciences hard and remember in the end it's truly about patients.

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM

    My $.02 for Merideth.

    Volunteer at a county ER or trauma center or better: Take anatomy in college and become a scribe for ER docs (having Spanish helps there too, if many Latinos in your area)

    Work jobs which require time management, customer service skills. Like waiting tables at a busy restaurant.

    Don't care if you have to be an ER tech first or something else on your way to your dream job, wherever that may be.

  4. What I want to know is why every cop and firefighter feel they need to pick up every drunk they find in a parking lot asleep and bring them to my ED?? Just leave them alone, let them sleep it off and that's one less stinky patient I have to deal with.

  5. Greyhound therapy http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Nevada-could-face-suit-for-dumping-patients-in-4745151.php
