Sunday, August 25, 2013

we get our freak on

(Cue falsetto voice)  Uh...uh..uh...stayin' alive, stayin' alive....staaaayin' alive....

Thats me and my co workers doin' the bump in the middle of the ER.  Anybody old enough to remember the bump?

A new device has entered the land of ER.  It is a pulsating ultraviolet light robot that makes an ER room look like a disco with all the flashes and shit. Supposedly it gets rid of all those nasty bugs that hang around in hospitals causing mayhem and havoc.  Cost: $80,000.

Its all well and good, but how come the room and especially the floor still look dirty when the show is over?

I take my duty to keep y'all up on the latest technology very seriously....


  1. Who got the other $79,950 ? (Kidding)

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    After the first seizure it causes, the $80,000 will be gathering dust in the corner. What ever happened to good old bleach? $80,000 would buy a lot of bleach, some buckets of water, and the salary of a few hard workers (if you can find them).

  3. Anonymous7:45 PM

    This is UV-C light. Different from the UV lights we all know. It fries the guts out of bacteria esp. C-diff. It doesn't "clean" the room it just sanitizes everything in the room in a short amount of time. Best invention in housekeeping in years. I have a small hand-held one at home (husband had a bone marrow transplant and I researched this)

  4. "It fries the guts out of bacteria" the Sun as in sunlight is supposed to do that. I doubt this device has the power to penetrate liquid, semi solid or solid encrustations of bacteria.

    You need the wind and rain as well.

  5. Anonymous9:55 PM

    That thing will burn your eyes.

    My friend's fiance has a pond with a uvc light near the filtration unit. He did some work on the filter while the light was on and had to go to the ER later in the evening because he was in excruciating pain and his eyes were red and weeping.

    UVC lights are dangerous. They can cause burns, and repeated exposure can cause cancer. I really hope everyone has been trained on proper safety with that light. It doesn't look harmful, but I assure you it is.
