Friday, September 27, 2013

how to make nurses happy 101

Its a friday night rerun...

How to make nurses happy 101

1) Eliminate rotating shifts.  There is no reason for rotating shifts.  Pay people more money and benefits to work straight off shits.

2) Make sure that nurses get their lunch break and other breaks.  This is not that difficult. It is required by law.  Insist nurses take their breaks.  Everyone needs a break, espescially from this stressful job.

3)  Make it policy that nurses have control over their practice.  If something is going to affect nurses talk to them about their opinion about it.  Nurses are not unwilling to accomodate change, they just want to have a say in it.  They will no doubt have some great ideas.  Eliminate bullshit committees that do nothing.

4) If healthcare is a business, bring in people with business degress at the middle management level.  People who have been to school in how to MANAGE people, hold people accountable.  Promoting nurses to management posiitons, without a business background is a mistake, in my opinion.  They make awful managers. 

5)  Put policies in place that make verbal and physical abuse by patients unacceptable.  Take this so seriously, that the patient who has been medically cleared or is stable is either discharged or transferred to another facility.

6) Put policies in place that are serious about unacceptable behavior  by doctors (or anyone else for that matter). Fire them if it doesn't change.

7) Here's a controversial one: eliminate 10 and 12 hour shifts.  No one should work that long in such a stressful job.  It is unsafe.

8) Pay people with more skills and more responsiblity such as those in critical care more money.  It makes common sense.

9) Allow nurses to take an LOAs, say every five years, for a short time to rest body and soul if they choose to.

10) Pay monetary incentives to nurses around defineable goals. Managers and administrators are not the only people who should get money for achieving goals.

Any thoughts?


  1. Anonymous12:09 AM

    sounds like the want more perks and more money for not doing more work. In fact, you want more time off, and more money.....UNREAL! A leave of absence to reenergize yourself every 5 years??.......why don't you go ahead and leave, and let someone with some work ethic and motivation take your job. Focus more on patient care, and less on how 'stressful' your job is.

  2. Anonymous said ... total rubbish .

  3. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Obviously anonymous #1 doesn't work 12 hr shifts in a busy E R seeing 200-300 people a day without lunch breaks & back to back codes. Try to think straight after someone dies, then you have a naked man on drugs calling you explitetives, & your blood sugar is in the toilet. You have to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your patients. Sometimes your body needs a break after people suck the life out of you for hours!

  4. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Thoughts: anonymous is either in management or a new grad. On #1: our hospital does that, but we still have to rotate to cover. 23 years at 1 hospital and i'm still doing my share of nights. #2: it will never happen. We are conscientious. #3: never happen. Hospitals are motivated by $$$. #4: we had a non nurse manager once, she got fired after almost ruining our unit. 38 years as a nurse and I have never had a good manager. #5: see #3. #6: see#3. #7: i drive a long ways to work. Love my 12 hour shifts. #8: see #3. #9: our managers get bonus if they work us under budget. Nuff said.

  5. Anonymous12:47 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. You know I wish I had not eliminated the anonymous comment put on at 1247 am.

    "All nurses are perverts and unprofessional"

    I would say that describes me in a nutshell. Perhaps the comment hit too close to home...

  7. Dorothy9:52 AM

    Smells of troll in here.

  8. I smell me some fresh troll up in this bitch.

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    We don't rotate shifts in the south. There is no way I could do that at my age. I've had maybe 2 good managers in my whole career. Now it's a business and nurses who are managers are kiss ass sell outs and mostly newer nurses management can mold. We see 400 a day some days and we are stuffing these mofo's into every nook and cranny in the dept just to move the meat. No time to look at labs or even talk to ppl. Of course we advertise no wait time. What a joke.

  10. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Our unit hired a new coordinator based on the fact that she was "moldable".

  11. If that troll had EVER worked in an ED, they would NEVER have made that statement. More likely, their second cousin twice removed stole their pain med Rx and they didn't get what they wanted when "visiting" the ED!

  12. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Regarding #4, I have a Business degree and a BSN... I often say I would make a better manager than the dummies they put in charge with no medical experience. But, what do I know, I'm "just a silly staff nurse" and nobody cares. Love your blog. Makes me feel like I'm not alone in my thoughts as an ER nurse.

  13. I like your blog a lot. Its informative and full of information. Thank you for sharing.
