Tuesday, January 14, 2014

cuckoo cuckoo

Man I have had some really weird patients lately.

Someone ran out of their room, heading for the door and was tackled by security. Almost hurtled over a bed coming around the corner. After the patient in the bed saw the person running, they got up and ran to the main lobby thinking that some criminal was escaping.

One of my patients through a phone receiver into the wall as hard as they could.

Then there was the person who doing acrobatics on ER cart in a fit of rage. Of course they took their clothes off before the acrobatics began.

I had somebody who was out of it and would literally not sit still. Restraints weren't an option.

People yelling at the top of their lungs because they didn't get admitted/didn't get the narcotic script they wanted, having to be escorted out by security.

People smoking in the bathroom.

Scary ex convicts with a history of violence needing to be restrained.

All this in the last 10 days. Has the world gone nuts?


  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    They show up in the pharmacy when it's a full moon.

    Pharm. Tech RDC '06

  2. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Full moon.

  3. Totally a full moon! I guarantee someone will come into my ER tonight with something stuck up their butt!

  4. pinneapple

    that is hilarious!

  5. Anonymous10:10 AM

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  6. Full Moon. Thanks for sharing a nice blog.

  7. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Good Lord. No wonder the nurses like me so much. I do land in the ER due to things like not being able to get out of SVT or an Asmatha attack that wont end. I'm really quiet and joke around with the nurses (when I can talk :P ) and they all seem happy to be around me as I hear sometimes people yelling or see other horrible stuff people do. Along with hearing the nurses being called things I couldn't say even outside of mixed company.

    I didn't know respect was in such short supply in hospitals.
