Sunday, February 16, 2014

Freddy the fascinating frequent flyer felonious frickin' faker

I sometimes wonder how many frequent flyers we have. At least a couple of hundred. They range from "your name sounds familiar" to "have a seat John, we'll be with you shortly".  Frequent flyers lives usually revolve around trying to get something for their chronic pain flare up.

There is this weird phenomenon that goes along with frequent flyers.  If you mention them they will show up.
Last week I was saying, "Hey, I haven't seen so and so lately", and boom within an hour they were there.  I kid you not.

Phenomenon # 2:  If you are busy, they will show up.

#3: Being the clever drug seekers that they are, if the docs grow weary of giving them narcs for their chronic problem, they will develop another problem (painful of course) as a sort of end-around to get drugs another way.  It is fascinating to see what a drug seeker will go through to get what they want.  If they put the kind of effort into their life that they put into their elaborate ruse to get drugs, they would be millionaires.

They cost the economy millions of dollars every year.

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