Wednesday, April 09, 2014

a romantic moment in the ER

Every once in a while something romantic happens in the emergency department.  Not often, but when it does it warms the cockles of this old  heart.

Here comes Brandon and Brittany up to the triage desk.  They both want to be seen.  What do they want to be seen for? STD check.  Isn't that romantic?

The fact that they could share this moment with us is special. Apparently for them, this is another day in the relationship of Brandon and Brittany. They don't think anything of it, laughing and joking with each other.  They shared a romantic lunch at Mickey D's  prior to arrival, as evidenced by the apple pie Brittany is munching on.

Hey I think we need to do something special for this cute couple. Lets put them in room 6, the pelvic room/honeymoon suite.  We'll turn the lights down low..