Monday, April 18, 2011

once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a rocket scientist. Now this rocket scientist did not go to the dentist on a regular basis, who knows why. Well one day rocket scientist has a toothache. Now toothaches suck as we all know.

Well of course rocket scientist does not have a dentist, not using such services on a regular basis. Didn't think of going to the drug store to get something. Eventually rocket scientist decides that this toothache requires emergency intervention. So rocket scientist calls an ambulance. Yes, an ambulance. Now Mr/Ms. paramedic are obligated by regulation to take rocket scientist to the ER, code 58 (if we get stuck in traffic we don't care). Paramedics walk rocket scientist into ER triage. Rocket scientist is put in the lobby after triage. Eventually they are taken back to the fast track and put in a room. Within 5 minutes rocket scientist is on the light asking for pain meds.

And so the story goes on....Act 11 scent 28...enter stage left - nurse practicioner. Nurse practicioner won't give narcs for toothaches, bless her heart. When Nancy nurse goes in to discharge rocket scientist they are no where to be found. They have left without instructions, realizing no narcs are forthcoming.

Your tax dollars at work.
Fade to black....

1 comment:

  1. A hospital I'm aware of actually has some policy/procedure that they call a dental resident to come down to the ER with toothaches and pull teeth right from the ER (or fill the cavity, etc.) if necessary for those who report having no access to dental care.

    Apparently, the vast majority of people don't stick around for this. Why get a bad tooth pulled/fixed when you won't be able to use it for narkies anymore?
