Tuesday, April 19, 2011

when ya gotta go ya gotta go

Here's an interesting story....it happened here locally a couple of months ago. A man calls 911 and is transported by ambulance to the hospital. He lives 25 miles from the hospital. He called because he was having some trouble breathing. Apparently the breathing trouble wasn't life threatening because the medics didn't use lights and sirens.

They started an IV, no doubt gave him a little 02. During the trip they pulled into a parking lot about halfway to the hospital. The paramedic driving got out and went into a building. The patient noticed that there was a Subway and a liquor store in front of them and the medic went into the Subway. So the medic comes back out and they are on their way.

They get to the ER where it is determined that the guy has an abscess in his throat and a swollen epiglottis. He spent a night in intensive care and was released in a day. During the stay he mentioned the stop at Subway to the wife. Naturally he and the wife assumed that the medic had stopped for a sandwich. They complained to the hospital and apparently called some whistleblower operation.

It turns out the medic had a sudden bout of diarrhea and that was the reason for the stop. The guy and his wife still didn't think they should have stopped even though there was a medic in the back with him all the time. Apparently they thought the medic should shit all over herself so they could get a routine transfer to the ER. Your thoughts?


  1. Remember that address.

  2. People complain about EVERYTHING.
    BTW I can't stop playing w/ Gomer. :)

  3. Maybe a toddler potty in the back of the ambulance?

  4. I feel for the man. Got a bout of doodoo during my Biology Lab a couple days ago. Just about cried when i got called to the deans office for neglecting an experiment.
