Thursday, June 16, 2011

bizarre allergies

A man came in today who claimed that he was allergic to "water", then in parentheses in the allergy section it says: "takes quick showers". Just kill me now. Them showers must have to be damn quick. And take an epi pen in there with you...The human body is 50-65% water. By rights, this man should have died years ago. But unfortunately, he is still with us and chooses to present himself to our ER. He has a legitimate problem, but somehow its hard to get past the whole water thing.

There is actually a scientific name for this: aquagenous urticaria. Only 30 people in the whole wide world have this allergy. There is no cure. Their is a 14 year old girl who is allergic to water. Every time she comes in contact with it she develops a rash or blisters. So she applies a barrier foam that has allowed her to function somewhat. My question is what about her body's water content. How come that doesn't cause a reaction? Hmmmmm...

Another allergy someone had recently is an allergy to "cold". "I have just been diagnosed with it" she said. Woman, you are in the wrong part of the country and I suggest you move south my dear. I know someone who is allergic to the sun. Bummer. Here's a good one: "I'm allergic to holy water at church. Whereever it touches me, I break out in hives". Hmmmm.....maybe God is trying to tell you something....


  1. Water allergy. Had that one last week. Making the rounds I guess.

    I still find the oxygen allergy the best one I have encountered. Maybe they will be a candidate for space travel to Mars.

  2. I had someone two weekends in a row who signed in with "allergic reaction". stated he was allergic to extacy. I asked him how often he used extacy, he responded "every weekend". I then asked him if he considered not rolling on the weekends. His response was "now why would I do that?"

    His allergic reaction was a heart rate of 90....

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    There's something like aquagenic pruritis or some shit that apparently makes you itch for hours after contact with water on your skin, some doctors are saying it's a side effect of a wheat allergy or something.

  4. I've done a bit of research on this and it turns out that the reason they don't react to the water inside their body is because it's a skin allergy. Only the skin reacts that way, so even sweating will cause very painful rashes. Just thought I'd answer your question about why their own water doesn't bother them. It doesn't, just as long as it stays on the inside, hehe.

    Now that I think about it, using the restroom might be troublesome...

  5. Alison3:39 PM

    I'm late to the party, but maybe the cold chick had cold urticaria, where you get hives and hypotension if you suddenly get exposed to cold water all over your body (like jumping into a lake or something). My husband had this as a teen, and he couldn't go fishing or swimming alone for a few years because he might faint and drown if he fell/jumped in and had that reaction. I didn't believe him that there was such a thing until I looked it up. Go figure.

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