Friday, June 17, 2011

lady godiva visits hospital

Not medicine related but too good to pass up. We have a McDonalds in our hospital (don't get me started). Well of course the neighborhood folks come in to use it. A colorful group, they are. Today more colorful than most. Everybody was chowing down on their big macs, sucking up their cokes and who should walk in but LADY GODIVA. That's right folks this woman was nude, au natural, sans clothing, bouncing down the aisle for all to see. She must have tied up her horse outside... Alas, I wasn't there (thank God), but only heard of the event. We all thought she would inevitably end up with us, but it turns out she was persuaded to leave the premises and gallop on home.....


  1. That's funny. Thank good we don't have McDonalds... I can't even imagine the characters it would bring in.... I did have a 50 year old stripper who fell off a bar once. That was an interesting night. She kept trying to give lap dances in our "drunk/psych" area.

  2. Anonymous3:06 AM

    You appoint me laugh with i'm sorry? You say, this can't be serious.
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