Sunday, June 19, 2011

I hate it when...

I hate it when..... - I am almost done triaging you and I ask you when was your last period and you tell me you are not a woman.... - You have a 1/4" laceration on the palm of your hand, but you don't speak english and neither does your 18 year sister accompanying you. Oh by the way your parents phone is disconnected.... - You were seen at another hospital yesterday but had no money to fill your meds, and so now here you are at our ER so you can get your meds filled... - Your elderly mother is in the car, can't walk in and I'll be damned if I can find a wheelchair... - You are suicidal today after drinking, using cocaine and taking "some pills that I didn't know the name of" last night.... - You are making your 3rd appearance to a health provider this week for what was diagnosed as minor the first time you saw someone... - Someone "stole", "you lost", "you didn't have the money to pay for...", your meds we gave you to fill yesterday.... - You call and ask us if we have a "service" that will pick you up and bring you to the ER....


  1. The things people will say are amazing some days aren’t they ?~!

    yeah, let me call the concierge for you-would it help if tied your shoes for you before you stand up ?~!

    Jesus, people, get a clue, would ya!~

  2. Oh the getting the prescriptions filled is great.

    Uh mam you had enough money to buy crack, your hair extensions you got today look great, and your newly done air brushed nails are lovely, but why didn't you get you HCTZ filled?

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I hate it when you come to the hospital at 7 AM with chest pain for the past month and tell me you need to attend someone's funeral/wedding/baptism at 3 this afternoon.

    Ain't gonna happen...

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I hate it when...all the beds in the dept are full and every pt who comes into ambulatory care is over the age of 80 with a +ve suitcase sign and everyone btwn 20-45 has a +ve pj can only go downhill
