Sunday, July 31, 2011

cigarettes only by prescription...oh yeah

It is no secret that I loathe cigarette smokers. I think they should all be put on an island somewhere together. They are now the subject of more and more legislation around the world.

In the US cigarette packages will be adorned with graphic photos of the results of this filthy habit. In Australia this is already in place. There is a proposal there to have the packs be olive green and the company logo will be so small it will be hard to figure out which is which. They cost $16.75 a pack . there. There are a couple of companies in this country who won't hire smokers. Recently in Iceland, there is a proposed legislation to make cigarettes only available by prescription. I love it. Nicotine is a drug and should be treated as such.

You know what pisses me off royally? Smokers saying they have rights. You do not have the right to be in the vicinity of any other person who does not want to smell, inhale your smoke. People who smoke around children should be charged with a crime. You have an ADDICTION. I don't want to watch you partake in your addiction, just like I don't want to watch a heroin addict shoot up. Smokers have ruined the air outside of buildings and at entrances. They have ruined outdoor seating at restaurants.

Smokers are losers. Period. End of conversation.


  1. Yes, it’s a definite addiction and needs to be treated as the unhealthy habit it is. Smokers should pay a fortune for medical care and be uninsurable. They should be confined to enclosed spaces and not be allowed to foul the air of others. Their clothes smell bad and their health is in the toilet. Make it harder for them to exist. In California it is illegal to smoke in the car of there’s a child in there with you. I am so glad.

  2. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I no longer smoke (5+ years smoke free)and agree that I don't want to see it either. What makes me want to cry is all the young (10-15) teenagers smoking. I take some comfort in the fact that most of them will not become addicted to it.

  3. Smokers should definately pay higher health insurance, considering their smoking-related care costs more than their smoking (no reference on this, just think I've read it somewhere). I live in Iceland though, and although the legislation was proposed it was a bit too early, IIRC it got flamed down right away. Someone mentioned that it was the first step in banning cigarettes completely except for those diagnosed "nicotine addicts that could not quit" who would have cigarettes prescribed to them.

  4. Prescribing cigarettes = Methadone clinic = Build another wing on the ER = Everyone going to the ER for smokes now in addition to every other last thing imaginable.

  5. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  6. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Dont knock it till youve tried it...

  7. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It would also be helpfull if having a smoker in the home at any time was a disqualifier for any sort of home care services. You haven't lived until you have spent an hour on a necrotic pressure ulcer in an un-air conditioned home in 97 degree heat...which is also the home of a smoker or two or five!! Doesn't matter if they don't actually fire up while you are there...the second and third hand smoke permeates EVERYTHING! And you have to make this the last visit of the day because YOU reek afterwards and have to go home. strip naked in the garage, and go straight into a shower, including a full hair washing, before you can kiss your family!


    Pattie, RN

  8. I don't get the loathing. Just because someone made a stupid mistake with their lives? I agree with not having the right to inflict others with your smoke, but if you are a conscientious smoker (I live in Cali so most are, by law), then you're really hurting yourself mostly. Why aren't drunks loathed so openly and loudly? Alcohol causes far more societal damage and death than cigarettes.

  9. Anonymous5:04 AM

    'Fraid not, Hal.

    Will grant you the bad things that happen to other people due to alchol, such as DUI deaths and abuse injuries, but these are caused by the stupidity of those under the influence, not DIRECTLY by the ETOH.

    Smoking, however, kills the smoker and many around him/her. If I had to spend the day with my child and either a drunk or a smoker in a 12 by 12 room, I'd pick the drunk.

    Pattie, RN

    PS...and most smokers are NOT considerate at all. And they and they clothing smell awful and make many nauseated even if they aren't currently "lit up".

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