Thursday, April 26, 2012

I don't care if you can't chunk a deuce

Sometimes the ER smells like a pig pen. Literally. Shit is running off of carts and on to the floor.

Speaking of poop, why does anyone ever come into the ER with constipation? ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS OF THE US:


If you come into the ER with constipation, you will be viewed as the frickin' idiot that you are. I don't care if you are 102, the fact that you haven't had a bowel movement in 3 days is not an emergency. While we're at it, why is it that old people are obsessed with having bowel movements? Its like if they don't have a daily poop, its a crisis...

By the way, I don't believe you when you say you haven't crapped in 2 weeks. Don't believe you. Sorry. You wouldn't be able to eat, drink. Go home.


When I see a constipation coming my way, I run for the med room, staff lounge, bathroom, pop machine, develop a sudden interest in my patients personal life.

Don't come to the ER for constipation. The ER staff will hate you. And while I am at it, don't bring in granny or grandpa either. Have you ever tried to give an enema to an 85 year old? Its a recipe for diaster for all concerned. Now we hate you and your whole family.


  1. I had one come in NOT constipated, having had a perfectly normal BM, but said "Compared to what I eat, not enough is coming out." *facepalm*

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Typical content as per most of the UNDERQUALIFID and NON ENGLISH speaking latins and nigger trash that hold positions in our health care system. I have been a victim of this neglect myself and have been sent home in pain by several facilities due to lazy "docs" and illtrained nurses. It is a pitty we pay into supporting the rubbish that works in these hospitals and i can guarantee if the percentage ofcertain "types" of individuals hired changed we would see a reduction in the mistreatment from horrid nurses such as this one.

    3. Typical content as per most of the UNDERQUALIFID and NON ENGLISH speaking latins and nigger trash that hold positions in our health care system. I have been a victim of this neglect myself and have been sent home in pain by several facilities due to lazy "docs" and illtrained nurses. It is a pitty we pay into supporting the rubbish that works in these hospitals and i can guarantee if the percentage ofcertain "types" of individuals hired changed we would see a reduction in the mistreatment from horrid nurses such as this one.

    4. Wtf is your problem bitch you just couldnt make a post without sounding ignorant i see wtf does races have to do with disservice? White bitches are neglectful as well dumbass

    5. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Nigger trash is right.

    6. Anonymous3:42 AM

      I was just in hospital with bowel obstruction YES I've had problems using the bathroom as long as I can remember!! It is very painful!!! And sorry I'm in the healthcare field and the nurses I had were wonderful caring funny and understanding you just suck! I hope one day you have to go to the er and they laugh ������ and treat you like shit! Remember what comes around goes around and YOU lol I hope you get it twice as bad!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Personally I think you need a new profession. Nursing is not your calling... especially an ER nurse...
      Have some empathy for God SAKES.

    10. You sound like a lazy ignorant cunt who needs to find another job that doesn't require much skill or intelligence. Constipation can actually become very serious. Oh little miss entitled nurse doesn't feel like dealing with constipated patients? THAT'S YOUR JOB you stupid bitch. I hope your boss reads that you sneak off to another room to avoid job duties and fires your lazy ass. I only stumbled upon this horribly written article because I'm considering going for constipation and it is hell, one of the worst problems that can affect your bowels. So what do you think a person like me is going to worry about when considering going to the hospital for constipation? Fixing my problem and feeling healthy again? Or whether or not some lazy big-headed nurse is going to feel like helping me? That's why people go to the hospital for constipation, because they don't give a fuck if you nurses don't feel like doing your jobs, they're more concerned with their health, as they should be. You think waiters feel like taking your order and bringing you food? No, but they do it anyway because they're paid to do it because it's their job. If you don't want to work for a living then go marry a successful guy and get in the kitchen. You stupid lazy bitch. Also, this website sucks and so does your writing ability. Can you do anything right?

    11. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I've gone 2 weeks or more without going a few times so YES it is possible. I would end up getting sick , food came back up. I have gone to ER for abdominal pain not realizing it was constipation. Nurses have to love what they do, helping people. You are an asshole and in wrong profession. I hope a patient has explosive diahrea and it goes all over ur ugly face

    12. Omg! You are heartless i cant not believe what I'm reading. I just had a total hysterectomy and I have not had a bowel movement in 5 days. But after reading this it really scares me to go get help. I would love to kniw your real name and which ER you work at I don't feel safe ever going there or anyone else for that matter with you working in there. Your definetely in the wrong profession and you do not deserve that job! I am so extremely uncomfortable from this blockage and sometimes people need the help of Doctors. What the fuck do you get paid for. This is just SICK. You got a mouth to talk now go ahead and let everyone know who you are since your such garbage. Or are you a little scared bitch!?

    13. New you feel the same way as girlvet does?

    14. Just an FYI.... I have midgut malrotation, and I was diagnosed in the ER when I was 32.
      I hadn't gone to the bathroom in 3 days and I was in excruciating pain so I went to the ER for constipation, They did a scan and found my malrotation. So next time someone comes into the ER and complains about constipation, don't think you know everything. I COULD HAVE DIED IF I DIDNT GO THAT DAY.

    15. You are such a bitch amd yes it is possible ive had very tiny movements like pebbles and i am in so much pain atm and back killing me cant pass gas etc and actually sneed to go to er but after reading your ignorant post makes me weary to even try to wow and maybe people come in cause that is serious thimg esp in older adults to not have movements and onmy tiny lebbles every couple days and could be number of things ranging from.blockage to cancer and cause other serious complications to not get it taken care of asap so find anotherjob possibly seeking credit card payments or collection agent would be suiting as most them are rude outspoken heartless pushy sob like yourself

    16. I had repair of 5 hernias at once. A week later no bowel movements. Severe pain, nausea, etc. Went to the ER and was treated with this nurse's attitude. No IV fluids, pain control, labs, nothing. Just given golytely and pooping hurt so bad I passed out.So beware. There are many ignorant staff in the healthcare field.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Ok that's a little excessive she's not talking about that kind of situation! Yes of course someone can die from it but there are people that come to the ER that its just ridiculous how not a problem it is really go home drink some prune juice save the healthcare system your $1000 if not more ER visit.

    1. Trust me if prune juice could end this misery of drink a gallon a day or more

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. CR RN7:58 PM

    I actually did have a pregnant patient who did not have a BM for 3 weeks- the resident checked her and thought she was complete - I checked and said, uh that's not a head it is stool!!!! Talk about an explosive night....

    1. This is offensive wtf your a doctor

    2. I am in the hospital and had surgery a week ago. I am eating and drinking and haven't pooped at all. I am taking stool softeners and I am drinking mineral oil. I have even given myself 2 enemas and nothing! Now the mineral oil is coming out and nothing else :(

    3. I did a google search looking for info on what to do, ive tried enemas softerns prune juice mineral oil castro oil xlax and mirlax and still noting. Reading stuff like this makes me really not want to go. And im not a lier when i say its been 11 days sinc3 ive been.

    4. I did a google search looking for info on what to do, ive tried enemas softerns prune juice mineral oil castro oil xlax and mirlax and still noting. Reading stuff like this makes me really not want to go. And im not a lier when i say its been 11 days sinc3 ive been.

    5. Have you ever heard of a bowel obstruction? Obviously not, or you wouldn't be telling people not to go to ER for constipation! I had constipation, was in extreme pain & had to have surgery. You give nurses a bad name.

    6. Have you ever heard of a bowel obstruction? Obviously not, or you wouldn't be telling people not to go to ER for constipation! I had constipation, was in extreme pain & had to have surgery. You give nurses a bad name.

    7. Indeed mindcandy this persons a total mindless sob

  6. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I totally had a day just like that this week! my sympathies to you!

  7. Anonymous11:14 PM

    just to play devil's advocate...I definitely went two weeks without pooping a few times when I was younger. my 'rents most definitely never took me to the ER for it, though!

    1. The bad attitude and ignorance revealed by this nurse is typical of nurses.
      Having owned a large "scrub shop" for 6 years, I had the opportunity to get to know many nurses.
      Every square foot of my retail store had high quality camera and audio surveillance, which allowed me to record and watch the behavior of numerous nurses.
      To keep this very short, I'll not go into specific incidents but will provide a few of my conclusions about nurses.

      1. Approximately 95% of nurses are psychologically unstable.
      2. Nurses envy doctors.
      Jealousy = One wants that of another, but is okay with the other person having it.
      Envy = One wants that of another AND doesn't want the other person to have it.
      3. Nurses need excessive recognition for doing their jobs.
      4. Never trust a nurse in your retail store, but ESPECIALLY NEVER TRUST A NURSE WITH YOUR HEALTH OR WELL BEING.

      Of course, not all nurses are psychotic, but the vast majority are.

    2. Lol someone needs a hobby.

  8. Anonymous7:25 PM

    There are fetish clubs where you can get an enema from somebody who enjoys giving them. Perhaps your facility could contract with one of them.

  9. Clearly it is a condition as many and if you can finish in an emergency room

  10. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I think saying that dr's will hate you for coming in is so trashy and bs!! You dr's get over paid for taking blood, and giving suggestions so why would it matter wat people come in for your getting paid either way!! I agree that its an emergency room but shit happens at all times of the day and your their for the people! It disgusts me that people like you who harshly judge those you are in care of even work at such a place, grow up and do your job or find a new profession!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I totally agree with you! What if it's not just constipation? What if there is a blockage or something seriously wrong?! Pain is pain and when it's severe and acute we are told the ER is the place to go!! Many times you can't get into your general practitioner on the same day for an an appointment so where does that leave you? A walk in clinic is not going to provide that type of care for you! The ER is going to actually do an entire blood work up, possibly X-rays, treat your pain accordingly or at least they should and then if it's 3 day constipation or YES 2 WEEK CONSTIPATION, you selfish, thoughtless, nurse because it does happen you give the damn patient an enema. Even if they are the most HATED person on the floor!! Which to me is absolutely ABSURD!! I had to be hospitalized once bc of this do you think it was fun for me? I actually hated it myself! It happens. Hell I thought it was going to happen again but Ducolax worked and I lost 7lbs in one sitting. I was in immense pain, so sick, but it's nurse's like you that make me to scared or embarrassed to seek medical help. Things like this should be done in a medical environment because of how dehydrated and sick a person can become after but you and you medical doctors obviously DO NOT CARE!!

  11. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I totally agree. You need to find another profession as soon as possible as you are not cut out to be a nurse. I had to go to the ER because of an impaction due to taking Vicodin. I had not had a bowel movement in over 5 days and had tried everything. I was in extreme pain. It was a last resort to go to the ER and embarressing also. Thank goodness I didn't have you for a nurse. I pity your patients who have to have you take care of them because it's obvious you have no empathy or kindness. You seriously need to leave the nursing profession. You give it a bad name. If I were you I would be ashamed of the way you think about people. Get into a profession where you don't have to deal with people. That would be best because I know that not many people would want you as their nurse

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      I agree 1000%!!! I suffer from constipation quite often and from what I have discovered is that there are a lot of risk for people like myself!! And most people don't go to the ER knowing their symptoms are a result of constipation. And why would you dare say its not possible to be constipated for more than 15 days because I am on day 18 and although my abdomen is quite swollen and generally I have a "just ate feeling" I do still get hungry and do eat. I have been having serious back pain mostly on the lower right side and was on my way to the ER when I realized the many days since a bm. So no I havent went to the ER but thats not to say that I wont since enemas and medication has yet to deliver any relief what so ever. So according to the nurse who apparently has an issue with her profession. . I am curious to hear what your advice is for someone who is on day 18 of no bm. I am quite shocked to find such outrageous talk about patients coming into your ER for help and you are making fun of them. I have to agree with the above need to find a new profession since the quality of compassion is a must for anyone in the medical field. Not only are you obviously miserable but I would guarantee your patients are just as miserable with you as you are with them!!

  12. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Actually, I'd be fine with having this blog-writer for a nurse. I do not need to have a pleasant nurse. Nor do I need a church lady, or a mama type. I can't stand those sweetness and light women, actually. I'd rather have a smart Nurse Nobullshit, for sure, LoL! Nobody has to fawn all over me when I go in. Just be competent, be factual, and give adequate and appropriate medical treatment. Oh, and if you have nothing nice to say, definitely hide out in my room and let's dish the dirt. lolololololol

    1. You must be the trash bag who wrote this original post. Nothing smart about either of you. Lol

    2. Ain't that the truth lol. I am in the health care field and I am actually a really sweet and caring person to all of my patients and they actually love me more for it. I get to see these people over and over again and build relationships with them which is something you may never have, and for good reason. Please find another profession.

  13. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I was on medicaid spenddown. This means I didnt have insurance and my income was to high to normally get on medicaid. When they put you on spenddown it means you must have 1000+ in medical bills before they will give you insurance. What the best way to do that is go to the er. Then they will pay most of the bill for you. I lost my job & had 2 do what I had to. My unemployment benefits made me over the income limit.

  14. Anonymous5:44 PM

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  18. Anonymous4:45 PM

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  19. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Hey. I had a tonsillectomy and was on pain meds the last 10 days. Haven't pooped once. Hurts like hell. Truth.

  20. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I have abdominal adhesions and get obstructed often .....which is life threatening! If you were any kind of nurse at all, you would know that. And yes, people can go weeks without going.

  21. julie6:53 PM

    I'm not sure where you got your degree, but an obstruction can be life threatening and pure hell for the person going through it. And, believe it or not, since you are so smart, you can go weeks without having a bowel movement!!! I had surgery 3 weeks ago and I have nor been able to go. I had to go to my doctor today to find out what is going on. I have been in extreme pain and I have not slept in a week. I had an x-ray done and my colon is all backed-up. My doctor wanted me to go into the hospital, but I chose to try to take care of this at home. I am a professional and work in the health field. I have many nurses in my family. My sister is a CRNP. Thank-God they do not feel as you do. You and whatever nurses and doctors feel the way you do need to find a different profession!!! You are an embarrassment to our field!!! People come to the ER for help, not for people to make fun of them or not help them. For all of you that feel this way, I really hope you have to go through this one day!!!

    1. Anonymous12:58 AM

      That nurse made me feel absolutely awful. I think I have a bowel obstruction. I suffer from chronic constipation. I'm bloated. I'm having abdominal pain on both sides. Can feel lumps in my abdomen. I also have no sensation of having a bowel movement but have severe abdominal pressure and pain. Because of nurses like the 1st one on this page that made such horrible comments is the very reason I won't even be seen by a doctor. Everything I've read states I can be causing toxicity, tumors, cancer, or the possibilities of tears, damage to other organs, abscesses, infection, or a rupture of the intestines. Nice to know what the medical professionals think and how disgusting their judgements are.

    2. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Not all people are that mean, you do what has to be done and the hell with people like that. That jerk has nothing better to, do and has no one to love him or her, maybe has never had affection in his life that's why they act that way. You cannot bed embarrassed of what is going on, the dr., and nurses give you the treatment you need and they are not going to remember you they have work to do unlike this idiot that takes his work home with him and blogs about it cause thats what he thinks about is shit all day. Good luck and take care of your self and the ones you love no matter what it is.

    3. Destiny10:44 PM

      Are you able to do surgery to remove stool for someone who is backed up because I can't find anyone to seem to do it and I've haven't been able to find someone to help some one I know

  22. First off i just wanna say how full of crap u are i been hospitalized twice for constipation once which caused ischemia colitis, whiuch as you should know is when bloode flow is cut off from the intestines since then my dr has advised me to get looked at out of fear of another ischemia episode plus lady sometimes you dont know if your constipated or if something else is going on especially when u have bladder intestine and female issues and your unsure if they are all flaring at once or if your constipated or if something new is popping up.

  23. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Unfortunately a person may not know they have constipation and in fact they may have something serious. Also, old people are vulnerable and having cared for aging family members it makes me sad to think if they sought help they could have someone with this attitude. I think you should be thankful for having such a good paying career. I am sure there is a nurse looking for an opening who has more empathy and intelligence than you regarding such things. Yes, there are people who end up in ER who should wait but I have never found ER to be anything easy to be part of as a patient or the one bringing someone in.

  24. Anonymous11:10 PM

    You are a disgrace to the medical profession. I hate nurses like you who are egotistical snobs. I have gone 3 weeks without a bowl movement, and it hurts like heck. I tried everything from miralax to suppositories to mag citrate 3 days in a row and everything in between. Finally went to the ER because it was a weekend and I had a bowl obstruction. Thank god you weren't my nurse. People who work in the health care industry who work directly with patients need to be knowledgeable and have people skills, you obviously have neither.

  25. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Ive worked in an ER for the last five years, I came across this blog having extreme pain and being constipated for 4 days. I wont go into the ER for this simply because of people like you. so, maybe it will get worse or better. ive worked with nurses like you, and seen them get fired quicker than it took to write this comment. They don't teach bed side manner in nursing school, its called professionalism. clearly you have neither. the human body is embarrassing to many. doctors and nurses should alleviate this embarrassment with professionalism. What I don't understand after going through your disgusting blogs, is why did you spend so much money becoming a nurse, when you cant handle the human body. do some simple research, and you will see how dangerous constipation can be. I hope karma comes around on you and you have this happen. hopefully your nurse will be just as rude as you. I agree with the MANY comments on here, leave the profession, your an embarrassment to professional nurses and doctors everywhere. and this disgusting site should be banned. just think of how many people you have put in danger simply because you don't like your career. Disgusting.

  26. Anonymous4:01 PM

    You need to seriously reconsider your career choice! As a medical professional i am shockef at your lack of empathy, respect for the patient and your attitude! I watched my Aunt become so ill from a ruptured bowel, that she was placed in the ICU! So while i hope you never have to experience constipation personally, it is and can become a life threatening condition!

  27. Anonymous2:50 PM

    It is because of people like you that I don't seek medical attention when I need it. I can't fit into my pants, can't pass gas, my last two movements 4 and 6 days ago were so painful that it made me cry, I can't drink fluids and can't eat. Tried at home medication to no avail. And then I read your blog telling me I will be hated for seeking medical attention. Thanks, I hate you too.

    1. If you are in that much pain and discomfort who gives a flying f$&@ what this stupid nurse thinks!!! She or he is not what all of the professionals think!! You could be having a life threatening situation!! Think of all the toxins building up in your body! Please at least talk to your doctor about this!

  28. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I've been having similar problems and other medical problems too embarrassing to talk about and really don't want to seek medical attention now. Thank you in sharing with the public how nurses or even worse doctors think. I really want to vomit now.

  29. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I just came across this because I didn't know if I should go to the ER or not, and now after reading this I really don't want to go. I have not went in over a week, I have taken 3 Dulcolax a day for the past 3 days, including an extra 2 yesterday, so that is 11 tablets all together. I have been drinking water like crazy and trying to be as active as I can. Today I was getting ready for work and could not fit into ANY of my work pants. I had to use a safety pin to close them to give me some extra room. My stomach is rock hard and today I started having pain. I actually have had this before and I paged my gastroenterologist who told me to go directly to the ER, but of course I didn't listen because of people like you. I am way embarrassed to go in now. I guess I will just have to lay here and be miserable and hope it is not something more serious. Honestly, I need to ask how you were able to obtain a job?

    1. Anonymous1:20 AM

      Just came back from the ER with a 2 week obstruction. If you havent, please go. I was seen by the most professional nurses and doctors, they didnt laugh at me at all, and actually almost made me believe they went through it themselves with their empathy and love of their work.

      Ill bet this asshat isnt a nurse anymore. Hope they enjoy shoveling customer service shit for the rest of their lives

  30. wow this makes my misery even worse. I am 13 weeks pregnant and have not had a BM in 11 days. I am hard as a rock from the top of my ribs to my pelvis area. I have used 3 enemas, milk of magnesia, handfulls of stool softeners and fiber pills daily, minimum of 72 oz of water daily, consume less than 1000 cal daily (all veggies and some fruit and beabs), and have drank 3 bottles of magnesium citrate over the last 3 days, but can't even hold down anything the last 12 hrs, not even water. I am in severe pain and thanks to you fear the idea even more of going to the e.r. to ask for help so I can WORK and support my children tomorrow.... thanks for the encouragement!

  31. Anonymous10:29 PM

    im 17 and one time i had not gone for four weeks i have severe constipation issues and a very stretchy colon im sorry that i think that might be an issue when im kneeling over in pain. Your just a bad nurse you need to go home and find yourself some help. People go to the er because they fell they have a true emergency.Anyway i was hospitalized for a week during my visit when my x-ray revealed that my stool was actually pushing against my lungs.

  32. Seriously? I was just TOLD to go to an ER by a nurse because my son (age 4) may not have had a BM in a while and is complaining of stomach and rectal pain without straining, is pale and can't eat much, was vomiting 5 days ago, etc. Don't call yourself a nurse who cares about patients and then tell everyone that constipation is never an emergency. Someone might have an obstruction or a severe compaction. That could be an emergency. An infant with a compaction or GI obstruction can die. That's an emergency. Sorry you don't like poop or enemas, but that's part of your job. If it weren't, you wouldn't know what it's all about in the ER. Don't like it, get a new position.

  33. Anonymous8:19 PM

    If you can't handle dealing with people with constipation, you might want to consider a different career path. Its obvious that your fairytale ending of marrying a doctor and not working another day in your life didn't pan out...don't take your life failures out on others who in most cases would rather find themselves anywhere but the ER with a nurse ratchet such as yourself(at least this is how you have made yourself out to be).
    Presently I have not had a bowel movement over the size of a pea in 3 weeks. Thanks to nurses such as yourself I have been unable to hydrate myself in over the last 2 weeks. My ketone levels are 10 times darker than any reference chart that my doctor can find, and my systems are shutting down starting with continuous bigeminy pvc's. My own doctor had me sent to the hospital only for their staff to cause me coprimesis(yes I am vomiting kaka, fecal matter, poop....whatever you want to call it) either way...being a good competent nurse as yourself, you must be making some good might be time to use this coin to work in a laundry room where you won't have to deal with constipated people. So as I head back up to the hospital(as per my doctor as fleet enemas, soap enemas, peglit, lactalose, domperidone and several other attempts for successful extrations....have all failed). I only pray I don't end up in your ER tonight as I would honestly rather shoot myself than deal with your ignorant and jaded nursing views.

  34. Lord what a shit show!

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      You started it all because you're a horrible pos nurse

  35. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Didn't know I was constipated until I began movement. Difficult to go to ER at that point.
    Gloves and Vaseline helped in digging enlarged fiches to reduce the size to pass the sphincter.

  36. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I agree with the others' comments on here. You most certainly need to find a new profession if that is the way you feel! Constipation CAN BE a serious medical emergency!!! In fact, I has to go to the ER due to not going to the bathroom for several days, along with vomiting and serious abdominal pains a and was admitted for a bowel obstruction!! How dare you say that docs and nurses will hate you for coming in with symptoms such as constipation!! Thank God you were never MY nurse...and remind me never to come into your ER looking for help!

  37. Anonymous9:45 PM

    You're quite the bitch! You shouldn't be a nurse!

  38. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Such a bitch and what a pig!

  39. Anonymous2:43 AM

    I have had to go to the ER 4 times in the past year because of being constipated for over a week. Severe pain. The nurse who wrote that constipation is not an emergency is an idiot and so un compassionate she will have terrible karma. People can die from being impacted. Ever hear of ruptured colon? Toxic megacolon. I would like your name, and the name of your employer. You need to be reported. Your attitude has probably already cost someone their life.

  40. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I havent had a bowel movement over the size of a nickel in 6 days when I eat my stomach spasms tried ducolax enemas suppository magnesium and nothing works do I need to go to er

  41. Anonymous2:36 PM

    What a whiny little bitch you are. I guess you chose the wrong profession and probably cheated on the final exam because you are severely lacking in knowledge as well as compassion. Don't blame your bad choice on people who are in pain and seeking help. If you don't quit now, you will probably end up killing someone.

  42. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Ok so people come in da hospital because they dont know if wat there going through is really serious or not nurses and doctors its your job to tell them that stop complanin aren't u gettin paid just stfu and do your job

  43. Anonymous7:43 PM

    There's a reason why you are a nurse and not a doctor.....

  44. I reply to:
    Anonymous said...

    im 17 and one time i had not gone for four weeks i have severe constipation issues and a very stretchy colon im sorry that i think that might be an issue when im kneeling over in pain. Your just a bad nurse you need to go home and find yourself some help. People go to the er because they fell they have a true emergency.Anyway i was hospitalized for a week during my visit when my x-ray revealed that my stool was actually pushing against my lungs.
    10:29 PM

    I could be in same situ, my question is: did you used to smoke, anything? I did, and am thinking this is possibly the body's way of healing, oh i have a 102.2 temp right now and the usual horrifying gas, cramping pain. 1 1/2 months with doc: just got CT scan 2 days ago, 3 blood tests, nothing, and I'm dying every waking moment is agony.

  45. Anonymous12:38 AM

    You are a disgrace to nurses everywhere. Constipation and impaction are serious medical issues that often go untreated because people are embarrassed and afraid that they will run into an idiot nurse like you. You should really consider an occupation where your ignorance will be tolerated and won't put people's health in danger...a morgue perhaps? I really hope that you never have a serious and/or embarrassing medical condition and your nurse "runs and hides in the med room". Get a grip hon... you are seriously a HUGE idiot and I really hope that you get out of the nursing profession ASAP. It is very disheartening to know that someone with your level of ignorance would be allowed to work with the public. It's a terrible shame that a nurse would think those is an atrocity that a nurse would even consider spending their time writing about something like this on the internet. You know, it's true what they you can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen :)

  46. Anonymous8:48 PM

    I have a handicapped daughter...and a BAD old gastro tests..just said WAIT 5-7 days then try enema...Shes been constipated all her life...6 mos ago enema didn't work..had to go er...theyre enema did not work they had to manually pry shit out of her...every 5-7 days since ive had to give her an enema...I am concerned she does NOT evidence any PAIN..even if shes having PAIN..intil I can find a goodDR..should Ibe waiting so many days???????????

  47. Anonymous3:12 AM

    i had my tonsils out and am 8 days post op with out a bowel movement since the day before surgery. that means yes not having a bowel movement is an emergency because my body is re absorbing the toxins from the pain killers which is not only bad for my liver but probably slowing down the healing process. so for you to sit there and say if i go to the emergency room the nurses will hate me is fucked up. do your job lady you knew what you signed up for. i worked hha for 3 years ive changed diapers and scrubbed camodes and although i didn't like that part i did it with a smile on my face so my patient knew i cared and because that's what i was paid to do.

  48. Anonymous4:13 PM

    fuck off nurse ratchet! that's your job! you chose that field. if your not cut out for this line of work, go your ignorant ass back to Wendy's! You sound stupid talking about patients like that. Your ass probably a Fake nurse (cna) and was hoping to help clean up some poo! bitch gtfoh with that you'll make a real woman smack a spark off your face!

    1. The so called nurse that wrote that bull is a idiot! She had no business in that profession, yo be a nurse you have to be a caring have empathy, which this bitch, yes Bitch should be flipping for a CNA being ( as I am) a fake nurse think again

    2. The so called nurse that wrote that bull is a idiot! She had no business in that profession, yo be a nurse you have to be a caring have empathy, which this bitch, yes Bitch should be flipping for a CNA being ( as I am) a fake nurse think again

  49. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Okay my mom had to go to the er for constipation. The doctor found major blockage, so much that he almost had to operate. So you are wrong. Glad you don't work in my er

  50. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I beg to differ. I just had severe constipation due to hydrocodone and was in severe pain and could not pass anything no matter how many enemas or prune juices or whatever. That was 3 days ago and I am still in recovery. If it wouldn't have been for the emergency room doc, I don't know what I would have done. I really feel you are ignorant on this subject and maybe you should get into another profession if you can't handle this situation.

  51. Wow...just wow... I am so glad that I am in New Zealand, our nurses are lovely. I have just come out of hospital for bowel impaction. Constipation is an emergency if left long enough. I have had it severely for years and only being able to pass small amounts. The doctors and nurses have tried their best to remove it all but not much luck. Next step is bowel operation. I don't know which retard taught you that constipation is not an emergency or that it is impossible to not go for weeks, would you like me to send you a copy of my X ray of my impacted bowel as proof or will you go back and repeat your degree and get some proper bedside manner while you're at it? To say that you hate patients with constipation and their families too should get you fired. Don't come to new Zealand. Ever..

    1. I agree I'm on day 9 an nothing is working for me I'm in miserable pain so waiting to call Gi in the morning this lady is rude an needs to lose her license

  52. I haven't had a bm in 9 days so believe what you want I'm in tons of pain on my right lower side. I have tryed enemas miralax colac an nothing is working all the laxatives are doing is making the pain worst not to mention I've lost 7 lbs this week an can't even poop so don't say it can't happen I'm going through it an it's horrible so I'm patiently waiting to get in the Gi office tomorrow to figure this out I'm going crazy in pain

  53. I think Malic Acid which is in most energy shots(2000 energy, 5 hour energy etc.) seems to be the key ingredient to helping me. might want to try it. I had my colonoscopy in Feb 2015 and have lost 30 lbs (from 239 to 209) with a diet change and total aerobic job workout. I'm 44 male and this happened to me.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I think I met you on Saturday when I was in the ER. Or if not you your twin. I suffer from what's called motility disorder I have no nerve function and part of my bowl and in my rectum.i've had an impaction before after surgery and had to have it removed by an intern to this day every time I go to that hospital that same intern reminds me of what he had to do on his first day.

    I recently had surgery a few weeks ago I have not use the bathroom since went to the doctor after passing liquid four times started vomiting and sensibly with pain. Was it for next right and then told I had about blockage I went to the ER near my house where I was treated very kindly and sent home. Thinking they could give me some medication and a few other things that it would clear unfortunately it just made things worse after home enemas and drinking a medication that made me double over in pain I was sent back to the hospital only this was another facility that had the pharmacy to do custom enemas. By the time I go to the hospital I was so dizzy I was unable to stand I waited for over an hour in an empty waiting room then I was taken back and when I tried to relate problem to the intern I was met with both jokes and hear what was almost like anger he just did not understand the problem. After doing one enema and having no success they tried a A second kind enema. After having that put in and not being able to feel 2 L of water they started to kind a realized this was a problem later nothing came out after that they tried a third type of enema. That one also came out clear I was sent home again and told to try to drink the same stuff that made me sick in the first place.

    Went back to the doctor and was told that the enema clue it was going around the impaction that's hi up in my small bell and ascending colon . I've tried a 5th enema at home now. No luck because I can't get anywhere near the blockage. He wanted me to go back to the hospital today I obviously did not because Of the way I was treated. I found a doctor that deals with motility disorders but unfortunately was told that I would still have to go through the ER and then have them page to come down.i'm dreading having to go tomorrow because I don't know how I will be met. On one hand I've been told I may lose my colon and have to have surgery on the other hand I have some doctor telling me that I'm a waste of his time which one should I believe here by the way the doctor that saw me in the ER prescribe me something called the lightly after asking him was it safe for me to use as they also think I have an adhesion and partial blockage in my stomach. He looked right at me and said I have no idea what it is or what's in it I said how can you prescribe something that you don't know what it is he said well I just heard that's what you use when you need to go to the bathroom when I asked him to read the ingredients he read them and then told me he didn't didn't know what they were I said well I can help you at least with one that ingredients that you don't know is actually MiraLAX it's the generic name for it. And the scary part is this guy was an ER doctor God help me and pray for me tomorrow.

  56. Anonymous12:55 PM

    This nurse's boss needs to see this post. impaction can be deadly and the pain is unbearable.

  57. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I was hospitalized for a week and put on New medicine. I have now not gone in 19 days and trust me I'd rather take care of this on my own. I've tried laxatives stool softener, suppositories, tons of water, stomach massage. I really do not want someone else mess with my butt, but what would my next step be ???????????????::::

  58. I had lots of pain and had 2 small polyps removed during colonoscopy at beginning of March 2015 and it's been like night and day. changed diet to include salads. when i eat poorly i feel worse, pretty simple. but the pain is not as bad. Next step would be ENEMA's. that would have to help.

  59. Anonymous10:20 PM

    You don't believe people who say they haven't gone in 2 weeks? Lucky you for never having experienced it! I'm on day 13 now with absolutely nothing, and I've been eating normal amounts. I've taken full dose of fiber every day, more water than is comfortable, glycerin suppositories and milk of magnesia and nothing is working. In fact, I was just searching "when to go to the ER for constipation" because I'm so miserable, and I came across your horrible opinion...

  60. I am on my couch crying right now because I just went to an ER for bowel impaction yesterday! I also have hemorrhoids and blood!!! They held me down crying and gave me an enema which had me shaking and crying in pain!!!! Then sent me home with miralax. After that experience I still can not go as I am too swollen to get anything out! Nothing is working and I am in so much pain! I have already missed two days of work over this!!!! HELP!!!!

  61. I am on my couch crying right now because I just went to an ER for bowel impaction yesterday! I also have hemorrhoids and blood!!! They held me down crying and gave me an enema which had me shaking and crying in pain!!!! Then sent me home with miralax. After that experience I still can not go as I am too swollen to get anything out! Nothing is working and I am in so much pain! I have already missed two days of work over this!!!! HELP!!!!

  62. JESUS. Whoever wrote this deserves to be slapped, punched and kicked, then fired and should never let be a nurse again or come anywhere near another human being in a caregiver capacity EVER.

    I got home from the hospital a day ago after not being able to crap FOR TWO, yes, TWO weeks. There, they said I had a fecal impaction and tried a manual extraction of a base-ball sized stool and could not "get it". I was prescribed Golytely (a colonoscopy prep-kit) and was sent home. The entire day has been a LIVING HELL. There are no words to describe the pain or discomfort of trying to 'pass' this huge thing out of your sore, red, burning butt. Worse still, is that the only way to really do it, despite what anyone says, is that you have to get gloves, lubricate your fingers and actually bear down with all your might while you dig up and break that sucker up into little pieces. You literally can spend HOURS on this. It is awful.

    Soooo, again, whoever wrote the original piece of crap this article is (pun intended) should reevaluate their line of work.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I absolutely agree!A person could have a bowel obstruction, especially if they are in severe pain and can't pass gas.

  63. This explains why my ER trips have done absolutely nothing. And I mean it when I say weeks. Happening for months now. Blood tests, xrays, ct scan, etc. 3 er trips, one dr appointment, two hospital visits for tests, and one medexpress visit. Ive been told to try miralax, colace, enemas, mag citrate, milk of magnesia.. my first er trip did the hhh and didnt get the blockage. Second er trip prescribed golightly and didnt get the blockage, but cleared enough i was comfortable for a few weeks. And a week and a half ago was my 3rd trip after two and a half weeks of nothing but watery mess after mag citrate and cvs enemas... and i left in more pain than when i came in. Xrays show it. Nurses do nothing. I'm nauseous, in pain, throwing up if I eat- especially if i lay down for bed, and the ER couldn't care less. This last trip they told me to drink that lemon magnesium citrate, did a second xray, and sent me home with instructions to make my own Golightly. I spent all weekend drinking that along with a second magnesium citrate, and it didn't do it. It did some, but not the blockage. So the problem is still there. But here's the proof nurses literally don't give a shit, or hell- don't even believe me when I tell them. Wtf.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Wow!!!! I was looking up the 4 signs that you should go to the ER and nausea and vomiting is definitely one of them and clearly you are blocked. Have you tried a different hospital?? Nurses suck and I used to want to be one until I saw the way they acted when I was working as a CNA. Not all were bad but a majority were. Always asking us to do extra work when we had soooo much to do already. I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

  64. This explains why my ER trips have done absolutely nothing. And I mean it when I say weeks. Happening for months now. Blood tests, xrays, ct scan, etc. 3 er trips, one dr appointment, two hospital visits for tests, and one medexpress visit. Ive been told to try miralax, colace, enemas, mag citrate, milk of magnesia.. my first er trip did the hhh and didnt get the blockage. Second er trip prescribed golightly and didnt get the blockage, but cleared enough i was comfortable for a few weeks. And a week and a half ago was my 3rd trip after two and a half weeks of nothing but watery mess after mag citrate and cvs enemas... and i left in more pain than when i came in. Xrays show it. Nurses do nothing. I'm nauseous, in pain, throwing up if I eat- especially if i lay down for bed, and the ER couldn't care less. This last trip they told me to drink that lemon magnesium citrate, did a second xray, and sent me home with instructions to make my own Golightly. I spent all weekend drinking that along with a second magnesium citrate, and it didn't do it. It did some, but not the blockage. So the problem is still there. But here's the proof nurses literally don't give a shit, or hell- don't even believe me when I tell them. Wtf.

  65. try about 20 oz of h2o for your enema, just keep refilling the store bought one about 6+ times and hold it until you can't this will do something.

  66. It's already embarrassing as hell to go into the ER for constipation and well I just want to say thank you....for making people feel that much more uncomfortable. Let's talk about my story shall we. I have been dealing with constipation for about 4 years. I would have some good days where I was able to push out something bigger than that that comes out of a rabbit but now and lately it's gotten so bad that yesterday I drink the max dose of milk if mag, 3x the dose of miralax that I'm supposed to take, and even shoved 3 suppositories up my butt out of desperation to relieve myself from the pain. Right now I'm even considering going to the pharmacy to grab myself those at home fleet enemas. And I'm thinking to myself well of that doesn't work maybe I should go to the ER because my stomach shouldn't hurt like this and I shouldn't feel like I got kicked really hard below the waist (you know...the front) and I shouldn't feel like I got something huge stuck up my butt without any lube<-- I feel that part most while sitting down. So anyway I start googling "should I go to the ER if...." You know the rest...and this is what I find. YOU need to have some compassion for people who are hurting because of constipation or anything else for that matter...or you just shouldn't be a nurse.

  67. Do you think this post casts a positive light on the profession of nursing?

  68. You're kind of a bitch for this and obviously are in the wrong profession, says the person who's had a bowel obstruction and almost died over doing exactly what your dumbass is ranting over. Piss off, find a job without dealing with people, because you're an asshole.

  69. GREETINGS VIWERS I am apostle who God has ordain to wipe out tears restore people back to their destiny and set the captives free and the reality of the gospel the kingdom of God is not only in words but in demonstration of Gods power.people are suffering today as result of lack of ladder to climb.AS a minister of the God’sple are you lacking supernatural ability,you cant do ministry without power,you need the power to operate in that rhelm ,is not that the ability is not in you,but someone in that dimension is what you need that can activate what is in you by the Grace of God I have impacted a lot of minister that blazing for God,demonstrating power ,ministry expounded,doing well,what are you waiting for for mentorship for fathership for help,your ministry start the they you met your helper,if you need help visit or or call +2347033804232,for those that invited me as I step in to their utter as I prayed thing were revealed that has been the hindrance while their church was not growing their church change for the better esploded,some GREETINGS VIWERS I am apostle who God has ordain to wipe out tears restore people back to their destiny and set the captives free and the reality of the gospel the kingdom of God is not only in words but in demonstration of Gods power.people are suffering today as result of lack of ladder to climb.AS a minister of the God’sple are you lacking supernatural ability,you cant do ministry without power,you need the power to operate in that rhelm ,is not that the ability is not in you,but someone in that dimension is what you need that can activate what is in you by the Grace of God I have impacted a lot of minister that blazing for God,demonstrating power ,ministry expounded,doing well,what are you waiting for for mentorship for fathership for help,your ministry start the they you met your helper,if you need help visit or or call +2347033804232,for those that invited me as I step in to their utter as I prayed thing were revealed that has been the hindrance while their church was not growing their church change for the better esploded,some

  70. Wow how ignorant are you?!? You never know what a patient is going through. Mind you its YOUR job to take care of these patients reguardless of whatever their ailment is. Like me for instance, I had Intussuseption and had to get emergency surgery. After the procedure I had a very hard time going to the restroom. I was then back a week later due to constipation. Sometimes it's something the patient can't help and maybe theirs an underlying issue you stupid little bitch. This is the issue with you nurses, your so rude and ignorant..and for what?! Why are you mad you couldn't become a doctor?!? Your ass should be glad you have a job you ignorant piece of crap!

  71. As a nurse myself for almost 10 years, I am embarrassed to know we are in the same profession. Constipation, impaction, obstruction, etc are all serious medical ailments that do require urgent care. Yes, there should be measures taken before coming into an ER (ex: diet, exercise, laxatives) instead of "I haven't pooped in 12 hrs help!!" But there are patients who have not had a bowel movement in 2+weeks. Being a nurse you should KNOW protocol: 72 hours 30cc MOM, 84hrs 1 bottle mag citrate, 96 hrs notify MD. Please retire- I've worked along you Nurse Betty 's and I've always been ashamed. Compassion is the key. And also you should have learned YOU CAN NEVER TELL A PATIENT WHAT HE/SHE CAN FEEL!!!

  72. Anonymous4:25 AM

    So, it's four in the morning for me and I get paranoid when anything is wrong with me. I was hoping that anyone other than the unreliable nurse could help me figure out if I should go to the er or wait for a clinic to open. I'm 23 & I've been having lower abdominal pain for three days and just till tonight I felt weird bowl movement and I think it may be fecal impaction. IDK if it's serious enough since I still let out loose stool, but I suddenly feel dehydrated & I read how that is a symptom. Pls help.

  73. Anonymous6:20 PM

    perhaps the fact that I was diagnosed by ER with Ileus would make it an emergency. You do not know why people might come in with constipation issues and your flip attitude and answer is a major indicator of how much you hate your job. I realize you deal with a lot of crap in the ER literally but you do not belong in this position. In fact it is clearly a mere job to you and not a career which is noted by your post.

  74. Anonymous2:26 PM

    So here I am worried to death in the ER with my husband who is in more pain than I've ever seen him in after 29 years of marriage. He has OIC post surgery and we tried literally everything that can be tried OTC and he's been vomiting and I'm afraid he's going to perforate his colon because he's hurting so bad he can't even breathe normally. And so I look for info about what to expect in the ER and get this??? Bitch. That's all I can say. Thanks a hell of a lot. How many people are going to read this that have an actual bowel obstruction? Bitch bitch bitch.


    1. Indeed you're awesome shana :) get that bitch

    2. Thank you for having ur son track this horrible human being down! Please try and do something to get her fired. She doesnt belong in the er. Its scary because im experiencing this right now and am too scared to go to the e.r.

  76. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I find the fact that you an RN absolutely devastating. One of the most important traits an RN, especially an Emergent Room RN should have is empathy and compassion. Not everyone is medically trained to know when constipation IS and IS NOT an emergency, since severe constipation CAN become an emergency even though you say it never could be. People can get bowel obstructions, ruptures, and have so much stool the pressure from the severe bloating can put a strain on other organs. I am in the medical field and recently had to take my own mother (who is only 55 btw) to the ER for severe constipation - after we consulted with her PCP and a triage nurse in her office we advised to go to the ER. Thank god she did because she was so severely constipated even after trying to clean out at home that she had to be admitted and have surgery. Please for the sake of healthcare find another profession because your lack of empathy and compassion on top of your obvious repulsion to stool is what causes some people (like my mother) not to seek medical attention until it is too late. Get off your high horse, being an RN does not make you too good to not have to literally deal with sh*t.

  77. Anonymous9:43 PM

    My mother had a bout of constipation, pain, and bloating for about a week. Finally at the end of the week, my sister convinced her to go see a doctor. Doctor sent her to the er, possibly felt an abdominal mass. There was no mass. But she did however have stage four cancer, signet tumors. Just changes in cells to detect. She lived five months with aggressive chemo. If you want to call it lived, because she immediately could not work, rarely walked outside, spent the last months confined to the couch, in a chemo chair, or in a hospital bed. She died three weeks ago. I have an unusual case of constipation and bloating. I haven't gone for a week tomorrow. Just wanted to say go fu#k yourself.

    1. Im sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my father in november of this year to esophageal cancer. Now im having bowel problems that have almost sent me to the e.r.but im too scared to go. Again my condolences to you and your family for your loss.

  78. Am from England, Oxford,UK ...madness has been ongoing in my family for long..I lost both parents to Madness and it is so much pain has not been able to get over. As we all know medically, there is no solution or cure for Madness and the cost for Medication is very expensive. Someone introduced me to a man (Native Medical Practitioner) in oxford. I showed the man all my Tests and Results and I told him have already diagnosed with Madness and have spent thousands of dollars on medication. I said I will like to try him cause someone introduced me to him. He asked me sorts of questions and I answered him correctly. To cut the story short, He gave me some medicinal soaps and some herbs(have forgot the name he called them) and he thought me how am going to use them all. At first I was skeptical but I just gave it a try. I was on his Medication for 2 weeks and I used all the soaps and herbs according to his prescription. That he will finish the rest himself. And I called him 3 days after, I arrived and I told him what is the next thing he said, he has been expecting my call. He told me to visit my doctor for another test. Honestly speaking, i never believe all he was saying until after the test when my doctor mention the statement that am, okay doctor started asking me how do I do it....Am telling this story in case anyone may need this man’s help. He is the Great Dr Aziza here is via email address ( or call +2348074066640
    Thanks Regard....

  79. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I haven't had a bowel movement in over a month. I've been debating on whether or not to go to the ER for a week because I don't have anyone to watch my often hyper and fussy three-year-old son. I didn't want him to bother nurses and doctors trying to do their job. Now that I've read this, I'm about to go wake him and head straight to my local ER. I hope you are my nurse. You'll be in for one hell of a day. Hope to see you soon.

  80. i have been married for the past 7 years with no child and since then i have been trying to get pregnant i have been to specialist hospital and they told me that everything is fine but with no lucky of having a baby until i finally met Dr.Ologbo online who help me to prepare root and herbs that i use to get pregnant within a month am so happy now, finally am a woman to be in few months from now contact Dr.Ologbo on his via email or his mobile number +2348073887808

  81. i have been married for the past 7 years with no child and since then i have been trying to get pregnant i have been to specialist hospital and they told me that everything is fine but with no lucky of having a baby until i finally met Dr.Ologbo online who help me to prepare root and herbs that i use to get pregnant within a month am so happy now, finally am a woman to be in few months from now contact Dr.Ologbo on his via email or his mobile number +2348073887808

  82. TO THE CUNT WHO WROTE are such a BITCH. How can you have a profession where you can't put yourself in other people's shoes. You don't know what it's like for anyone! It is very dangerous for shit to be stuck in your bowels for a long time. Your body is gonna tell you your hungry so you eat and it only adds to the constipation and the pain. U need to quit being so about yourself and about the way you think is the highway or no way. You have a tough life ahead of you twat for being the way you are. One day a patient is gonna beat your ass. Karma is a BITCH just like you. :) enjoy your karma pain asshole.

  83. People go into ER's for various reason's and unfortunately many of these reasons (not just for no BM) ARE NOT emergencies and cost thousands upon thousands of dollars. However, "who do you think you are!" generalizing one person's condition or even 50 people and their condition to every single person in the world. A headache could indicate a common well a common headache or it could mean a brain tumor. Someone that has a headache for a weak needs to be seen. A person that has heart disease who suddenly becomes constipated needs to be seen as constipation is an indicator (which I just learned yesterday 11/07/2016) that there is something very wrong such as water retention crushing the intestines and the heart. So dont go around generalizing a condition as to mean nothing as your statement NEARLY COST A PERSONS LIFE!.

  84. Erica Atkinson2:05 PM

    I was became very constipated while pregnant a couple of years ago & couldn't fix it at home... although, I certainly tried. I sought help in an emergency room several times & incompetent doctors/nurses (such as yourself) were annoyed by the fact that I was even there. Long story short, an fecal impaction caused my bowel to perforate. I became septic & sadly, lost my baby boy (a child my husband & I had dreamt of for many years) because of it. I also had to live with a colostomy for two years thereafter & my chances of being able to conceive again naturally are little to none. It's people like YOU who give the medical profession a bad name. Both I & my insurance company pays hospitals (doctors, nurses, etc.) BIG money for each & every visit. The least YOU can have is a little sympathy and/or compassion. I could go on & on about this issue! To conclude, however, allow me to say that constipation can very well be a medical emergency! Re-read your medical books, my dear.

  85. Michael H7:18 PM

    How unfortunate it must be for anyone that walks into your ER seeking help. For those that suffer from chronic or acute constipation, the pain and discomfort can be unbearable. As you ER nurses and docs seem to have everything figured out, evidenced by your offense that anyone would do any research on their symptoms to aid in their own diagnosis/treatment, how dare you call someone walking into your hospital seeking relief for this condition stupid or a burden.

    It would be lovely to expose your true identity and the name of your employer (assuming you are still employed with this shitty, know-it-all, heartless attitude) so that the world could see how terrible and judgmental you are, and your employer could fire you as you desire to be. I think you're in the wrong professional and should examine why you do what you do. You seem to be quite miserable. With all of the snap judgements you seem to make in this post, I wouldn't be surprised if patients with more serious issues went undiagnosed under your watch. Do the world a favor and quit "nursing", get a new career, and delete this disgusting blog. Thanks in advance.

  86. Anonymous9:40 PM

    You, the moron who wrote this article, is a complete Fucking asshole!!

    You call yourself a nurse? You sound like a lazy, incompetent, asshole, who probably cheated his way to passing your nursing exams.
    It's assholes like you who give nurses a bad name.
    Do you know the pain people feel when they are severely constitpated?

    I'd like to take huge object and stick up your ass and leave it there for a week
    And when you are in the ER in severe pain and crying for help,
    I'd like to take that object and stick it further up your ass and watch you pass out from
    The pain!
    Fuck you, you pathetic excuse of a person!!

  87. You're a piece of garbage. I echo what most people have already said. You're subhuman scum and I hope you always get treated like shit by every single medical professional. Because you're clearly horrendously inept and probably have borderline personality disorder.

  88. hi, i am so glad i read this article. I googled when to go to the er for constipation and now i don't feel so all alone. I thought it was just the rural setting/hospital. They did help me once with this, without too much embarrassment; but usually it is a horror story going to this er where i live. This nurse sounds just like so many there. I have encountered 3 nice nurses since i have lived here 10 yrs. I am scared right now, just like everyone else \i have taken stool softeners, milk of magnesia, fleets enemas, homemade enemas, i guess its impacted. i dont know what to do; i know why i get like this ; opiates for chronic pain and dairy products; however i take miralax everyday. well off to try another coffee enema and pray i can make it till tomorrow cause er on sunday you get doctors in training who do not treat you like a human being, just a i dont know. like they arent getting paid well to do there job, i know that nursing is one of the highest paid salaries in this rural town. thanks you all of the people who shared their stories. \im starting to get abdominal pain ; but can still pass gas, have an appetite???????

  89. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Why don't you tell my aunt that is on a ventilator that constipation is no big deal. She had a rupture and has had 3 surgeries in 3 days, her colon, small bowel has been removed and she has a colostomy bag that she will have to live with if the poison in her body doesn't kill beacaue of the rupture. You are a real b**ch! Hope you never Have to go to the ER for anything. Hope they laugh in your face and make fun of you for whatever you are there for. Hope karma comes back and gets you if this is the way you treat patients.

  90. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Why don't you tell my aunt that is on a ventilator that constipation is no big deal. She had a rupture and has had 3 surgeries in 3 days, her colon, small bowel has been removed and she has a colostomy bag that she will have to live with if the poison in her body doesn't kill beacaue of the rupture. You are a real b**ch! Hope you never Have to go to the ER for anything. Hope they laugh in your face and make fun of you for whatever you are there for. Hope karma comes back and gets you if this is the way you treat patients.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Just got home from the ER with this issue you bitch. They admitted him. Hope you lose your job you fucking moron

  93. Just got home from the ER with this issue you bitch. They admitted him. Hope you lose your job you fucking moron

  94. Anonymous11:31 AM

    your gonna get what you have dealt ppl. And I hope God has mercy on you. and remember you can't stay young forever and you will have to worry about this one day and I hope you have to feel like your patients has felt because I'm sure that your a rude stuck up bitch to everyone. And as nurse myself it's a huge problem and we have never looked down on ppl who come in from constipation we do everything we can to help them we are suppose to treat them with respect an with morals. I guess your from some bad neighborhood where nobody is happy or you would never had said this.

  95. Anonymous11:32 AM

    your gonna get what you have dealt ppl. And I hope God has mercy on you. and remember you can't stay young forever and you will have to worry about this one day and I hope you have to feel like your patients has felt because I'm sure that your a rude stuck up bitch to everyone. And as nurse myself it's a huge problem and we have never looked down on ppl who come in from constipation we do everything we can to help them we are suppose to treat them with respect an with morals. I guess your from some bad neighborhood where nobody is happy or you would never had said this.

  96. I am just sick over this. I was going to go to the ER. But now im not at all. I had stage 3 colon cancer. Had to have a j pouch because of it.And i either have the runs or i get backed up and have been impacted. Thanks a lot u fucking cunt.I hate what cancer has done to me. I would rather die then go to the ER. I hope u have to lose your colon. And then again that would be to good for u.

  97. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I think you are an absolute idiot yourself, and you should be reported to some type of ethics board in your hospital department. If you hate your job so much, why don't you find a new one? It saddens me to think that such an angry nurse could be working in an ER. Sure there are plenty of idiots that must come in to the ER. But you work in the medical field. People are coming to you because they have medical concerns. If there is no issue, kindly send them on there way. I will pray for you.

  98. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I have too much toof much to say to this, but I will keep it as short as I can. There are plenty of people showing up to the ER with ridiculous problems, I get that, however dealing with them with kindness and understanding is your job. On a second note comma I lived with severe bowel probless for the first 20 years of my life. So bad in fact that it nearly killed me. You should never ever tell anyone, that going to the emergency room is a bad idea. You could be discouraging someone who happens to need life-saving assistance from getting the help they need, all because you don't want to do your job. If you don't like your job, then quit. I'm sure that there are plenty of other places that you could work where you be much happier, and where you would not be putting people's lives at risk. It's people in the medical field like yourself that makes people like me hate going to the doctor. Who would rather diagnose themselves on Google, rather then go to a doctor, because they don't want to be treated like shit.

  99. Anonymous5:58 AM

    You are terrible at your job. You are going to kill someone, if you haven't already. Yes, there will always be people who come to the ER for non emergencies, but telling people that constipation is never an emergency is just flat out wrong and dangerous. What if someone believed you? I can't believe I have to be the one to tell you this but fecal matter is toxic to the body and must be removed or it will cause sepsis and you will die. If constipation isn't treated it leads to fecal impaction which can cause sepsis.
    Who did you screw to get you nursing license?

    I am guessing you aren't actually a nurse and just some kind of sad lonely troll trying to make others as miserable as you apparently are.

  100. Anonymous1:57 AM

    I doubt this post is from a real nurse... and if it is, shame on you. I'm in my 30s and had an impaction that was an emergency. I had intestinal surgery some time ago and I NEVER would have gone to the ER - HUMILIATING - unless I had to do so. I was directed there by my medical care team.

    Trust me, we don't want you up our behinds any more than you want to be there.

    Luckily, the ER nurses that treated me were not like this person!

    If you have an emergency, go to the ER. That's what they are there for and I've met only a few nasty medical professionals out of the MANY I have known during my health struggles. I truly believe that this is a minority.

  101. What did I just read?????11:07 AM

    I know this "blog" aka bunch of BULLSHIT is old, and whoever wrote this is a complete moron!!! What and who do you think you are?? You're not a DOCTOR, you're a nurse. Don't forget that. You're not the one in charge, though you may fell entitled to act like such a BITCH. I seriously have never in my life wanted to punch someone via the internet. You are a piece of shit and should be fired!!!! I or someday you experience something horrible and are mocked and laughed at!

  102. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Dear Miserable Prune,

    For a person who is writing an article about others being idiots you sure come across as one yourself. Perhaps you should go back to grade four and pass a spelling test ESPECIALLY. In addition, you sound constipated as well. Too much bitch in your diet I suppose.

    1. Omg I don't think anyone has ever made me this mad!

  103. You are one of the most terrible, heartless and cruel people I have ever come across on social media. Those horrible people that left their dogs tied up to drown during hurricane harvey, well you might be worse and do you know why, because your in the fucking health profession and you should have at some point taken an oath to help and cause no harm to others and you are definitely causing harm by giving THE WORST medical advice in history. I know two families that lost their children to bowel obstructions..their children! One was 10 months old. Constipation can be a sign of other more severe issues or digestive diseases such as a form of ulcerative colitis...which my daughter has! You are absolutely nuts and have no business being a nurse and I just made it my mission in life to find out where you are employed and get you fired! You should never have anything to do with ANY type of career in the medical field, not even transcription. Now, THAT IS ALL. GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS.

  104. Honestly bitch really? I'm over here looking through Google to see what the fuck to do because I've been constipated for a week now having SEVERE abdominal pains and you say it doesn't warrant an er visit? Get over your poop phobia and STOP BEING A NURSE.

  105. Anonymous1:44 PM

    There are so many disparaging comments about the content of this blog post that I don't feel the need to add my disgust regarding your ignorance and horrifying lack of empathy.

    However, as someone who teaches student nurses, I want anyone reading this to know that the majority of them are kind people who went into this profession because they care and want to help people who are suffering.

    If you are considering going to urgent care or the ER for severe constipation, and have already tried using other remedies, such as stool softeners (Colace is a good one), laxatives (Senokot is also good), and enemas (nurses usually recommend mineral oil enemas, as they are more lubricating than the saline ones), please do not hesitate because of what this one appalling excuse for a nurse says here.

    Many nurses will not treat you with disdain, and in some cases, this can be a life-threatening condition as others have said in the comments. SEEK HELP IF YOU NEED IT; chances are you won't get a monster like this person for a nurse.

  106. Do you know that people can actually die from constipation you retard, people are born with conditions that mess with their bowel movements and YES I’m one of them. I was born with spina bifita probably don’t know what that is cause you sounds so uneducated in your craft...let’s talk about system failure because of it, your fucken organs can legit shut down. I’m going through it rn and my fucken kidneys are sore because of the massive amount of stool that I can’t pass...stool that’s been stuck for years in my upper abdomen. You can go through septic shock!!! EDUCATE YOURSELF BEFORE MAKING A STUPID IGNORANT THREAD LIKE THIS. I can fucken die from this! Something that yes I cannot control. I feel so bad for you, your legit the saddest nurse ever and should be fired

  107. Anonymous3:42 AM

    my name is Evelyn from USA, am 40 year of age,i had three miscarriages,this got my husband putting all the blame on me saying i am the problem in his house,this made him not giving me all the attention and also coming home late,though i am a christian i was beginning to loose my hope because there is a saying delay is dangerous,so with this i became confuse and not knowing what to do anymore. so i decided to seek for help on the internet then i came across one DR rahany who i explained my problem to, he told me not to worry that i am in the right place and that he has a herb that is going to help me get pregnant, which he send to me, to his glory i became pregnant again within one week of contacting him, and as i am writing this testimony i have giving birth to my second child, thanks to the man who made me a mother at this age,for those who have pregnancy issue you can contact him ( you can also message him on whats app(+14422433334)

  108. Anonymous3:11 AM

    I just want to make sure you know that you are still an uneducated fuck who should die in her sleep. Your post turns up on Google 1st now when people search whether or not they should go to the hospital. You are so fucking stupid that you don't know what a bowel obstruction is so now your fucking inane bitch post is turning people away. Do everyone a favor & delete this post. Then go kill yourself. No one will miss you.

  109. Anonymous11:43 PM

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  110. Get another job you knuckle dragging swamp cunt. I'm in extreme agony due to fecal impaction. Went to e.r. cuz I thought it was something else. And low and behold nothing was done. If you don't like helping people find a new job

  111. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I am an RN too for 20+ years. Nurses like you are one of the reasons I left the profession. I started seeing compassion going by the wayside and talking smack about people behind their backs and trashing other nurses. When I first got it the field we had some fantastic nurses! They loved people, knew their jobs well, and had extreme compassion. I'm sorry for what schools are now producing. It's all about the love in your heart. Loving people was the best part of my job and I miss that. I am currently suffering with an impaction that has me pretty scared because I have already had one bowel surgery and don't really fancy another. Nothing is working. I have taken Miralax every 4 hours for days, olive oil, enemas, colace, Mag Citrate, name it and I have tried it is Friday night and I know it is either I get through this weekend or go to the ER, then I come across your blog and feel like crying.

  112. To the last anonymous poster, the 20 year RN...please go straight to the ER! My heart goes out to you as a post-Colectomy patient who has survived four bowel obstructions. With your history of bowel surgery I’m worried that you might have a blockage like ileus. I’m praying that you are okay! Don’t let the insensitive blogger make you hesitate where your health is concerned. Wishing for wellness for you!

  113. Constipation, when it also involves inability to pass, can be extremely dangerous. The fact that you don’t known this proves that you are not qualified for your job, and probably will be part of a malpractice suit at some point.

  114. This hideous excuse for a nurse,or even a human being should not only be fired,but incarcerated. A DEMON in a uniform.

  115. Why am I even at this blog? I am having alot of pain in my abdomen and my CT scan showed moderate amount of stool and slight narrowing in the cecum. SO, While searching for advice or help, I came here. NOW I know i won't be going to the ER.

  116. Anonymous11:21 PM

    If a person or an elderly loved one could "go on about their business" they wouldn't be reading this! Awful "nurse"...

  117. Anonymous11:20 AM

    This is a pretty sad thing to read. I hope I NEVER end up in the ER that this person works in. I have gone 10 days with no bowel movement. I gave myself an enema for 3 days straight, suppositories and colon cleansers and still nothin. It can actually be deathly because it’s waste in your body. Now, someone who just hasn’t gone in a few days is one thing but don’t be an idiot and make a post as if constipation can’t become a medical emergency. What an ignorant idiot.

  118. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I came upon this blog a couple of days ago, trying to find out when, at what point, I should go to the ER for constipation because symptoms weren't getting better.

    Im glad I didn't take your advice and decided to go, after 6 days of pain, because I ended up being diagnoses with PID from my IUD as well as having a blood clot in my leg. Had I not gone to the ER things would have been much worse.

    You should be ashamed of yourself as a nurse! You're supposed to help people, not turn them away. All of my nurses were lovely people and I feel sorry for any patients that end up under your care.

  119. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I've just been discharged from hospital this weekend for faecal impaction. I was 2 weeks no BM and 48 hours no urine. I was triaged by a local nurse and told to go immediately. Fever, nausea, passing water through rectum only and around blockage,exhaustion, pain and hallucinations most importantly TOXICITY. Yes I was well into developing SEPSIS.

    I had used my common sense through the 2 weeks and tried over the counter meds, laxatives, stool softeners, exercise water, high fibre etc to no avail.

    If you are reading this or came across it as a Google search, DO NOT IGNORE SERIOUS SYMPTOMS and do not listen to this uneducated and quite possibly psychopathic narcissistic excuse for a nurse.

    Remember 3/5 days no BM can be typical of harmless constipation Common sense people. Treat at home first.

    If you cannot pass urine for over 24 hours, sudden urethral/rectal incontinence
    high fever, confusion, pain and loose watery diarrhea you are at risk of a multitude of complications.

    You know your body, if you are not sure, use an out of hours, walk in or practitioner first. Oh and pray to God you don't have the joy of running into OP.

  120. Anonymous1:19 PM

    This comment from this nurse is ridiculous. Apparently you have no bedside manner or consideration of humans. You should possibly consider going into another field.

  121. Lol I'm sitting in the ER right now, Almost 3 WEEKS no bowel movement and yes it is possible you ignorant ignorant person.

  122. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I have been through the wringer with constipation. Started in childhood. I'm close to 40 now. I have Chronic Idiopathic Constipation. I take Linzess on a weekly basis (it absolutely disrupts my life) and even that isn't helping now. I can't eat high fiber foods, it doesn't matter how much water I drink or exercise i get. I have been used every laxative product out there. It got so bad at one point before my formal diagnosis, that I went to the ER (where I was treated with respect and dignity) after I had exhausted all of my resources, I was given a Soap Suds enema. It was horrific and embarrassing. And it was mildly effective. It worked well enough to remove what was stuck in the rectum without them having to do it digitally. At that point I hadn't had a BM in 23, yes i said 23 days!! I have been battling the monster again for 6weeks. I went 18 days without one and now its like every 7-8 days. I am bloated, nauseated, tired, sluggish, having trouble eating. To the Nurse that wrote the original blog post, I WILL go to the ER for it if i have to. Vomiting because you are so full of stool is not ok. You deserve to be reported to the State board of Nursing. YOu clearly lack empathy and your views on compassion are skewed. As a new RN, I pray that never have to work with anyone like you.

  123. Anonymous9:03 PM

    This is the most ignorant post ever by a nurse. I know the post is a bit old but this is really sad. I am a physician myself who had to have seven rounds of fertility treatments to get pregnant. At my 20-week appointment which is roughly 5 months, I was diagnosed with a condition for my cervix and had to have emergency surgery. Unfortunately, the medication given after the surgery along with the progesterone to sustain my pregnancy made me extremely constipated. I tried everything including glycerin suppositories. Finally one day, the fecal impaction was so bad that I ended up in the ER. I had to have two enemas, and 2 lovely nurses had to stand there, stretch my rectum and break up the feces with their fingers. God bless them. The pain was so excruciating for me and there was so much blood all over from my rectum. I vomitted 6 times due to the pain during the process. Even though it was a humiliating process, it was so humbling for me as a woman in my 30s and a medical professional. Shame on you for writing something like this!

  124. Anonymous5:10 PM

    kinda insensitive, fecal impaction can be deadly! People can have a situation where they don't go for two weeks and still eat. Been there myself many times during my life with severe constipation. Try to be a little more caring.

  125. Anonymous1:52 AM

    I have not had a BM in 2 weeks i have all the symptoms of fecal impaction and iv tried laxatives and enema and nothing im very very very scared and do not want to go to the E.R for reasons like this im 28 year old male and am super embarrassed to go after reading this i will definitely NOT be going and will just sit and hope it goes away some how

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