Sunday, April 22, 2012


You know those days when its bright and sunny and then you see it on the horizon: a line of ominous looking clouds...You think to yourself: Its OK they'll probably just go around us, la de da, as you frolic through the meadow full of daisies. The wind starts to pick up a little bit. It cools you off, feels really good, frolic, frolic. The line of clouds move closer, its cooling off. Uh-oh...better start thinking about leaving the meadow and heading home. Its starts to rain a big deal.. you still have time to get home. Then all of a sudden- WHOOOSH!! its a downpour, hail starts bouncing off your noggin, there is a crash of thunder. Here's the thing: There is no where to go. You are stuck in the middle of a thunderstorm and there's no way out.. And that describes today in the ER perfectly.

We are half full, the staff is actually able to interact with each other, goofing off a little. Its start to pick up. Four or five patients in triage. No big deal. Then suddenly there are ten people in triage. There is a critical patient on the way. They have a problem that needs immediate attention but they aren't going to take a dirt nap anytime soon. Then you hear it: Stab to the room next door to your room with the critical patient. A few minutes later, overhead: "help needed in the ambulance garage". A really bad thing. When help is needed out there, the patient has crumped.

Here they come, CPR in know the rest. About five minutes into that: Stab to the 3rd stabilization room. Its raining..damn it hailing with winds of 60 MPH...I think I see a funnel cloud..the ER is officially OUT OF CONTROL.


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Walked in at 2100 last night to find us already 20% over our average daily census and THIRTY in the waiting room!!! Strap on the roller skates, Ladies; it's going to be a bumpy ride!

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I call these types of days in my department - Flash Floods

  3. I imagine that disaster ... do a good job

  4. I hope you lose your job and your children die slowly of AIDS.

  5. I hope you lose your job and your children die slowly of AIDS.

  6. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Hey, Nurse Ratchet I almost died cause I most died cause I couldn't have a bowel movement for a month and I tried everything under the counter and over.So you think you're untouchable cause you ARE Bitch.At any age. Karma is a MTFR and trust and believe you'll get yours.My colon burst and the bacteria in my stomach would have killed me cause it was floating in my stomach and if I would have waited I would have died. So go crawl back in your hole BITCH.

    1. Ikr? What an fkn bitch! You need to go back to HR training. You are a terrible person but most disturbing that you work as a nurse.

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Oh yeah my bowel was the size of a grapefruit and would have never passed. So anyone else who has this problem go to the ER cause the same thing can happen to you. Excuse my first reply cause it fucked upped.
