Thursday, January 03, 2013

saturday night fever

I have already told you about the sophisticated, two hour long post bed bug patient visit shenanigans that is now policy at my hospital.  Well, now I have a new thing to add to the fight against vermin.

This has been around for about a year. It is a robot vermin destroyer. It looks like R2D2. It uses ultraviolet light to destroy bacteria.

Picture this: Its 1979. You are in your spiffy dress, you boyfriend in his 3 piece suit. You are on the dance floor at the local disco doing a bad imitation of John Travolta and that girl in Saturday Night Fever.
Strobes of light hit you and your partner as you get funky, get loose in the middle of the dance floor.

Thats what the robot looks like when it is doing its thing. A disco.  I am tempted to go in there and let my inner Donna Summer (RIP) out.  Anyway, at this point it is being using for post c diff visits.  BTW,  each robot costs $80,000.    Worth it?


  1. I'd say it's TOTALLY worth it if you go ahead and go dance with it.

  2. Yes. Here's a link to an article about it:
