
Thursday, October 01, 2015

Hey my life ain't so bad....

One thing about nursing, it makes you realize how good you got it.  You don't have cancer, you aren't quadriplegic, you weren't born with a terrible illness or deformity. Your kid is OK.

People handle tragedy in their lives in many ways. Some people become difficult to deal with. Some people become control freaks. Some people become manipulative.  Then there are those who somehow learn to cope and thrive. Often they are innovative in dealing with their situation, developing unique strategies to deal with seemingly impossible situations.

It's unbelievable to see what people are capable of overcoming.


Eliza Cranston said...

Thank you for sharing your unique perspective on life as an ER nurse! I have thoughts like this myself a lot of the time and wonder how I would handle illnesses, disabilities, or family tragedies. Being a nurse obviously allows you to observe how others handle things like this, but I'd be interested to know how you handle/plan to handle tragedy and what you think is the best approach?

Wendy Owen said...
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afu said...

unique perspective on life as an ER nurse!!