I look down the hall and see if any nurses are sitting at the triage desk. They aren't, meaning they are busy. (CLUE #2 one that this day will probably suck)
I never walk through the department when I get there. I go around it. Trying to postpone the inevitable I guess. As I walk to the staff lounge, I see the ambulance board where the rig numbers are listed and the room they are going to. There are five (CLUE #3 that the day will probably suck).
I go to the assignment sheet and look to see where I will be. I am on the end we all hate and then charge n
urse later (CLUE #4 that the day will probably suck)\
I look to see who I am working with, I am am working with Nervous Nelly and Jumpy Jack, I grit my teeth. (CLUE #5 that the day will probably suck).
I go to my assigned area and look to see what doc is on. Its Orville the overorderdering maniac. (CLUE #6 that the day will probably suck).
I look at the patient board. There are two alcoholics sleeping it off. Granny in room 2 is yelling: "NURSE! NURSE!" I recognize 5 frequent flyers on my end. (CLUE #7 that the day will probably suck).
I get report from my co worker who gives me a group of patients from hell with families to go along with them. (CLUE #8 that the day will probably suck).
The charge nurse comes by to say there are essentially no beds in the hospital. (CLUE #9 that this day will probably suck).
I am charge at 3 pm and we are down 2 nurses and staffing MIGHT have one for us...(CLUE #10 that this day will probably suck).
And to think, I haven't even seen a patient yet...
1 comment:
Be careful. Some disgruntled narc seeker stabbed the ER greeter today in Sharon, PA. http://www.wfmj.com/story/23929606/suspect-arrested-for-stabbing-greeter-at-sharon-regional-hospital
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