You pass triage and some guy is saying in a loud voice: "I just broke my Dad out of jail".
You pass a room and another guy is loudly telling a nurse that he, "just got out of the penitenary 3 weeks ago". He's drunk.
Okay there is a theme developing and I don't like it.
Its downhill from there ending with a drunk guy who doesn't speak english and proceeds to talk loudly for the next 2 hours in his native tongue and of course he is right near the desk...
i cant imagine what this must be like. I'm going to school to become a registered nurse, i hope my experiences are a little bit more enjoyable than yours. I'm sure ill have these days too.
Dear Kevin...I don't know if I envy your optimism or secretly wish I was a fly on the wall when you launch...either way...I've been nursing 30 years and one thing I can tell you is that the career you've chosen will some days wear on your last nerve, make you bust a gut, cause you to shed a tear or two, help you realize the fragility of human life and above all, nursing is always, always entertaining. It's not like any other profession. I don't have a single regret.
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