I always feel like we are not prepared for any disaster, let alone some hemmorhagic fever.
If they mean, if you came in with vomitting, fever, muscle pain, etc and said you had travelled to West Africa, would I put a mask on you? Sure. I would put you in one of the two isolation rooms we have in the ER. We would put you on contact precautions. contact precautions mean we wear gloves and a gown. Is this enough?
When you see somebody on TV in West Africa treating people for ebola they are dressed from head to toe in an outfit. They have a hood over there head. They have things over their shoes. They have people there whose only job is to dress those people to care for them. The way they are dressed reminds me how we used to dress for chemical warfare training.
Do we have access to these kind of outfits? Not that I know of.
What would we do with their family members accompanying them? There are many questions that arise. No one has said ANYTHING to us except saying we should ask people at triage whether they have travelled outside the country.
You probably think I am overreacting. Come on....its never going to happen at your local ER. You are probably right. It is scary nonetheless. It brings this fact front and center: Most ERs are not ready to deal with something like this and they should be.
Love this. I've spent lots of time talking back to the TV today.
-ER nurse in the DFW area
I'm not from the us, what happens to the uninsured who potentially have ebola? are they sent back to the street to infect the masses?
And Obama won't stop flights from Africa.
We know damn good and well what he's doing.
In the US, we have laws (specifically: EMTALA) that require us to treat any person that presents to the emergency department, regardless of insurance or ability to pay. They would end up admitted and in isolation much like any one else. Even if said law were not in place, our public health system (and CDC) would intervene and isolate the individual in order to prevent a crisis (for example, see Typhoid Mary).
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